@@ -1946,9 +1946,11 @@ For instance:
function! s:CustomizeYcmLocationWindow()
" Move the window to the top of the screen.
- execute "wincmd K"
+ wincmd K
" Set the window height to 5.
- execute "5wincmd _"
+ 5wincmd _
+ " Switch back to working window.
+ wincmd p
autocmd User YcmLocationOpened call s:CustomizeYcmLocationWindow()
@@ -1965,9 +1967,9 @@ quickfix window. For instance:
function! s:CustomizeYcmQuickFixWindow()
" Move the window to the top of the screen.
- execute "wincmd K"
+ wincmd K
" Set the window height to 5.
- execute "5wincmd _"
+ 5wincmd _
autocmd User YcmQuickFixOpened call s:CustomizeYcmQuickFixWindow()