@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020, YouCompleteMe Contributors
+# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
+# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from ycm.client.semantic_tokens_request import SemanticTokensRequest
+from ycm.client.base_request import BuildRequestData
+from ycm import vimsupport
+from ycmd import utils
+import vim
+import json
+ 'namespace': 'Type',
+ 'type': 'Type',
+ 'class': 'Structure',
+ 'enum': 'Structure',
+ 'interface': 'Structure',
+ 'struct': 'Structure',
+ 'typeParameter': 'Identifier',
+ 'parameter': 'Identifier',
+ 'variable': 'Identifier',
+ 'property': 'Identifier',
+ 'enumMember': 'Identifier',
+ 'enumConstant': 'Constant',
+ 'event': 'Identifier',
+ 'function': 'Function',
+ 'member': 'Identifier',
+ 'macro': 'Macro',
+ 'keyword': 'Keyword',
+ 'modifier': 'Keyword',
+ 'comment': 'Comment',
+ 'string': 'String',
+ 'number': 'Number',
+ 'regexp': 'String',
+ 'operator': 'Operator',
+def Initialise():
+ props = GetTextPropertyTypes()
+ if 'YCM_HL_UNKNOWN' not in props:
+ AddTextPropertyType( 'YCM_HL_UNKNOWN', highlight = 'WarningMsg' )
+ for token_type, group in HIGHLIGHT_GROUP.items():
+ prop = f'YCM_HL_{ token_type }'
+ if prop not in props:
+ AddTextPropertyType( prop, highlight = group )
+# "arbitrary" base id
+def NextPropID():
+ try:
+ finally:
+class SemanticHighlighting:
+ """Stores the semantic highlighting state for a Vim buffer"""
+ def __init__( self, bufnr, user_options ):
+ self._request = None
+ self._bufnr = bufnr
+ self._prop_id = NextPropID()
+ self.tick = -1
+ def SendRequest( self ):
+ if self._request and not self.IsResponseReady():
+ return
+ self.tick = vimsupport.GetBufferChangedTick( self._bufnr )
+ self._request = SemanticTokensRequest( BuildRequestData() )
+ self._request.Start()
+ def IsResponseReady( self ):
+ return self._request is not None and self._request.Done()
+ def Update( self ):
+ if not self.IsResponseReady():
+ # Not ready - poll
+ return False
+ if self.tick != vimsupport.GetBufferChangedTick( self._bufnr ):
+ # Buffer has changed, we should ignore the data and retry
+ # self.SendRequest()
+ return False
+ # We requested a snapshot
+ response = self._request.Response()
+ self._request = None
+ tokens = response.get( 'tokens', [] )
+ prev_prop_id = self._prop_id
+ self._prop_id = NextPropID()
+ for token in tokens:
+ if token[ 'type' ] not in HIGHLIGHT_GROUP:
+ continue
+ prop_type = f"YCM_HL_{ token[ 'type' ] }"
+ AddTextProperty( self._bufnr, self._prop_id, prop_type, token[ 'range' ] )
+ ClearTextProperties( self._bufnr, prev_prop_id )
+ # No need to re-poll
+ return False
+# FIXME/TODO: Merge this with vimsupport funcitons, added after these were
+# writted for Diagnostics
+if not vimsupport.VimSupportsTextProperties():
+ def AddTextPropertyType( *args, **kwargs ):
+ pass
+ def GetTextPropertyTypes( *args, **kwargs ):
+ return []
+ def AddTextProperty( *args, **kwargs ):
+ pass
+ def ClearTextProperties( *args, **kwargs ):
+ pass
+ def AddTextPropertyType( name, **kwargs ):
+ props = {
+ 'highlight': 'Ignore',
+ 'combine': False,
+ 'start_incl': False,
+ 'end_incl': False,
+ 'priority': 10
+ }
+ props.update( kwargs )
+ vim.eval( f"prop_type_add( '{ vimsupport.EscapeForVim( name ) }', "
+ f" { json.dumps( kwargs ) } )" )
+ def GetTextPropertyTypes( *args, **kwargs ):
+ return [ utils.ToUnicode( p ) for p in vim.eval( 'prop_type_list()' ) ]
+ def AddTextProperty( bufnr, prop_id, prop_type, range ):
+ props = {
+ 'end_lnum': range[ 'end' ][ 'line_num' ],
+ 'end_col': range[ 'end' ][ 'column_num' ],
+ 'bufnr': bufnr,
+ 'id': prop_id,
+ 'type': prop_type
+ }
+ vim.eval( f"prop_add( { range[ 'start' ][ 'line_num' ] },"
+ f" { range[ 'start' ][ 'column_num' ] },"
+ f" { json.dumps( props ) } )" )
+ def ClearTextProperties( bufnr, prop_id ):
+ props = {
+ 'id': prop_id,
+ 'bufnr': bufnr,
+ 'all': 1,
+ }
+ vim.eval( f"prop_remove( { json.dumps( props ) } )" )