@@ -43,26 +43,36 @@ elseif !has( 'python' )
let s:script_folder_path = escape( expand( '<sfile>:p:h' ), '\' )
+let s:python_folder_path = s:script_folder_path . '/../python/'
+let s:ycmd_folder_path = s:script_folder_path . '/../third_party/ycmd'
-function! s:HasYcmCore()
- let path_prefix = s:script_folder_path . '/../python/'
- if filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.so') &&
- \ filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_core.so')
+function! s:YcmLibsPresentIn( path_prefix )
+ if filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.so') &&
+ \ filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_core.so')
return 1
- elseif filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.pyd') &&
- \ filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_core.pyd')
+ elseif filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.pyd') &&
+ \ filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_core.pyd')
return 1
- elseif filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.dll') &&
- \ filereadable(path_prefix . 'ycm_core.dll')
+ elseif filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_client_support.dll') &&
+ \ filereadable(a:path_prefix . 'ycm_core.dll')
return 1
return 0
+if s:YcmLibsPresentIn( s:python_folder_path )
+ echohl WarningMsg |
+ \ echomsg "YCM libraries found in old location; please RECOMPILE YCM." |
+ \ echohl None
+ call s:restore_cpo()
+ finish
let g:ycm_check_if_ycm_core_present =
\ get( g:, 'ycm_check_if_ycm_core_present', 1 )
-if g:ycm_check_if_ycm_core_present && !s:HasYcmCore()
+if g:ycm_check_if_ycm_core_present &&
+ \ !s:YcmLibsPresentIn( s:ycmd_folder_path )
echohl WarningMsg |
\ echomsg "ycm_client_support.[so|pyd|dll] and " .
\ "ycm_core.[so|pyd|dll] not detected; you need to compile " .