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Do not disable omnifunc when filetype completion is disabled

Allow users to still trigger Vim's omnifunc through C-Space when the
g:ycm_filetype_specific_completion_to_disable option is set for the current
micbou 7 years ago

+ 5 - 1

@@ -57,8 +57,12 @@ class OmniCompleter( Completer ):
   def ShouldUseNowInner( self, request_data ):
-    if request_data.get( 'force_semantic', False ):
+    if request_data[ 'force_semantic' ]:
       return True
+    disabled_filetypes = self.user_options[
+      'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable' ]
+    if not vimsupport.CurrentFiletypesEnabled( disabled_filetypes ):
+      return False
     return super( OmniCompleter, self ).ShouldUseNowInner( request_data )

+ 106 - 0

@@ -675,3 +675,109 @@ def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_ForceSemantic_test( ycm ):
         'completion_start_column': 1
       } )
+@YouCompleteMeInstance( {
+  'cache_omnifunc': 0,
+  'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable': { FILETYPE: 1 },
+  'semantic_triggers': TRIGGERS } )
+def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_FiletypeDisabled_SemanticTrigger_test( ycm ):
+  def Omnifunc( findstart, base ):
+    if findstart:
+      return 5
+    return [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ]
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
+                              contents = [ 'test.' ],
+                              filetype = FILETYPE,
+                              omnifunc = Omnifunc )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 1, 6 ) ):
+    ycm.SendCompletionRequest()
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.GetCompletionResponse(),
+      has_entries( {
+        'completions': empty(),
+        'completion_start_column': 6
+      } )
+    )
+@YouCompleteMeInstance( {
+  'cache_omnifunc': 0,
+  'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable': { '*': 1 },
+  'semantic_triggers': TRIGGERS } )
+def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_AllFiletypesDisabled_SemanticTrigger_test(
+  ycm ):
+  def Omnifunc( findstart, base ):
+    if findstart:
+      return 5
+    return [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ]
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
+                              contents = [ 'test.' ],
+                              filetype = FILETYPE,
+                              omnifunc = Omnifunc )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 1, 6 ) ):
+    ycm.SendCompletionRequest()
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.GetCompletionResponse(),
+      has_entries( {
+        'completions': empty(),
+        'completion_start_column': 6
+      } )
+    )
+@YouCompleteMeInstance( {
+  'cache_omnifunc': 0,
+  'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable': { FILETYPE: 1 },
+  'semantic_triggers': TRIGGERS } )
+def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_FiletypeDisabled_ForceSemantic_test( ycm ):
+  def Omnifunc( findstart, base ):
+    if findstart:
+      return 5
+    return [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ]
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
+                              contents = [ 'test.' ],
+                              filetype = FILETYPE,
+                              omnifunc = Omnifunc )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 1, 6 ) ):
+    ycm.SendCompletionRequest( force_semantic = True )
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.GetCompletionResponse(),
+      has_entries( {
+        'completions': ToBytesOnPY2( [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ] ),
+        'completion_start_column': 6
+      } )
+    )
+@YouCompleteMeInstance( {
+  'cache_omnifunc': 0,
+  'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable': { '*': 1 },
+  'semantic_triggers': TRIGGERS } )
+def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_AllFiletypesDisabled_ForceSemantic_test( ycm ):
+  def Omnifunc( findstart, base ):
+    if findstart:
+      return 5
+    return [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ]
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
+                              contents = [ 'test.' ],
+                              filetype = FILETYPE,
+                              omnifunc = Omnifunc )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 1, 6 ) ):
+    ycm.SendCompletionRequest( force_semantic = True )
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.GetCompletionResponse(),
+      has_entries( {
+        'completions': ToBytesOnPY2( [ 'a', 'b', 'cdef' ] ),
+        'completion_start_column': 6
+      } )
+    )

+ 9 - 0

@@ -664,6 +664,15 @@ def CurrentFiletypes():
   return ToUnicode( vim.eval( "&filetype" ) ).split( '.' )
+def CurrentFiletypesEnabled( disabled_filetypes ):
+  """Return False if one of the current filetypes is disabled, True otherwise.
+  |disabled_filetypes| must be a dictionary where keys are the disabled
+  filetypes and values are unimportant. The special key '*' matches all
+  filetypes."""
+  return ( '*' not in disabled_filetypes and
+           not any( [ x in disabled_filetypes for x in CurrentFiletypes() ] ) )
 def GetBufferFiletypes( bufnr ):
   command = 'getbufvar({0}, "&ft")'.format( bufnr )
   return ToUnicode( vim.eval( command ) ).split( '.' )

+ 4 - 13

@@ -301,8 +301,7 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
   def SendCompletionRequest( self, force_semantic = False ):
     request_data = BuildRequestData()
     request_data[ 'force_semantic' ] = force_semantic
-    if ( not self.NativeFiletypeCompletionAvailable() and
-         self.CurrentFiletypeCompletionEnabled() ):
+    if not self.NativeFiletypeCompletionUsable():
       wrapped_request_data = RequestWrap( request_data )
       if self._omnicomp.ShouldUseNow( wrapped_request_data ):
         self._latest_completion_request = OmniCompletionRequest(
@@ -380,7 +379,9 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
   def NativeFiletypeCompletionUsable( self ):
-    return ( self.CurrentFiletypeCompletionEnabled() and
+    disabled_filetypes = self._user_options[
+      'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable' ]
+    return ( vimsupport.CurrentFiletypesEnabled( disabled_filetypes ) and
              self.NativeFiletypeCompletionAvailable() )
@@ -808,16 +809,6 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
       self._CloseLogfile( logfile )
-  def CurrentFiletypeCompletionEnabled( self ):
-    filetypes = vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes()
-    filetype_to_disable = self._user_options[
-      'filetype_specific_completion_to_disable' ]
-    if '*' in filetype_to_disable:
-      return False
-    else:
-      return not any( [ x in filetype_to_disable for x in filetypes ] )
   def ShowDetailedDiagnostic( self ):
     with HandleServerException():
       detailed_diagnostic = BaseRequest.PostDataToHandler(