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Add docs for RefactorRename

Additionally, we restructure subcommands section to organise by
command type.

There are now a significant number of subcommands offering quite
powerful features. A flat-list of such commands is not easy for users to
discover (citation needed). Restructured into:
 - GoTo commands
 - Documenation/type information commands
 - FixIt/refactor commands

This has the following benefits:
 - features are more discoverable to the user (due to contents page
 - more obvious where to add new subcommand documentation
 - a place to write notes which apply to multiple commands (such as
   jump lists, multi-file refactor)
Ben Jackson пре 9 година
2 измењених фајлова са 313 додато и 127 уклоњено
  1. 142 59
  2. 171 68

+ 142 - 59

@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ YouCompleteMe: a code-completion engine for Vim
     - [Diagnostic highlighting groups](#diagnostic-highlighting-groups)
 - [Commands](#commands)
     - [YcmCompleter subcommands](#ycmcompleter-subcommands)
+        - [Go to declaration/definition/etc. commands](#goto-commands)
+        - [Semantic type information and documentation](#semantic-information-commands)
+        - [Refactoring and FixIt commands](#refactoring-and-fixit-commands)
 - [Options](#options)
 - [FAQ](#faq)
 - [Contributor Code of Conduct](#contributor-code-of-conduct)
@@ -104,9 +107,21 @@ features plus extra:
 - Supertab
 - neocomplcache
-YCM also provides semantic go-to-definition/declaration commands for C-family
-languages & Python. Expect more IDE features powered by the various YCM semantic
-engines in the future.
+### And that's not all...
+YCM also provides [semantic IDE-like features](#quick-feature-summary) in a
+number of languages, including:
+- finding declarations, definitions, usages, etc. of identifiers,
+- displaying type information for classes, variables, functions etc.,
+- displaying documentation for methods, members, etc. in the preview window,
+- fixing common coding errors, like missing semi-colons, typos, etc.,
+- semantic renaming of variables across files (JavaScript only).
+Features vary by file type, so make sure to check out the [file type feature
+summary](#quick-feature-summary) and the
+[full list of completer subcommands](#ycmcompleter-subcommands) to
+find out what's available for your favourite languages.
 You'll also find that YCM has filepath completers (try typing `./` in a file)
 and a completer that integrates with [UltiSnips][].
@@ -682,6 +697,7 @@ Quick Feature Summary
 ### JavaScript
 * Intelligent auto-completion
+* Renaming variables (`RefactorRename <new name>`)
 * Go to definition, find references (`GoToDefinition`, `GoToReferences`)
 * Type information for identifiers (`GetType`)
 * View documentation comments for identifiers (`GetDoc`)
@@ -1106,20 +1122,25 @@ purpose.
 ### The `:YcmCompleter` command
-This command can be used to invoke completer-specific commands.  If the first
+This command gives access to a number of additional [IDE-like
+features](#quick-feature-summary) in YCM, for things like semantic GoTo, type
+information, FixIt and refactoring.
+Technically the command invokes completer-specific commands.  If the first
 argument is of the form `ft=...` the completer for that file type will be used
 (for example `ft=cpp`), else the native completer of the current buffer will be
-Call `YcmCompleter` without further arguments for information about the
-commands you can call for the selected completer.
+Call `YcmCompleter` without further arguments for a list of the
+commands you can call for the current completer.
-See the _YcmCompleter subcommands_ section for more information on the available
+See the [file type feature summary](#quick-feature-summary) for an overview of
+the features available for each file type. See the _YcmCompleter subcommands_
+section for more information on the available subcommands and their usage.
 YcmCompleter subcommands
-[See the docs for the `YcmCompleter` command before tackling this section.]
+NOTE: See the docs for the `YcmCompleter` command before tackling this section.
 The invoked subcommand is automatically routed to the currently active semantic
 completer, so `:YcmCompleter GoToDefinition` will invoke the `GoToDefinition`
@@ -1131,23 +1152,26 @@ You may also want to map the subcommands to something less verbose; for
 instance, `nnoremap <leader>jd :YcmCompleter GoTo<CR>`
 maps the `<leader>jd` sequence to the longer subcommand invocation.
-The various `GoTo*` subcommands add entries to Vim's `jumplist` so you can use
+### GoTo commands
+These commands are useful for jumping around and exploring code. When moving
+the cursor, the subcommands add entries to Vim's `jumplist` so you can use
 `CTRL-O` to jump back to where you where before invoking the command (and
 `CTRL-I` to jump forward; see `:h jumplist` for details).
-### The `GoToInclude` subcommand
+#### The `GoToInclude` subcommand
 Looks up the current line for a header and jumps to it.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp`
-### The `GoToDeclaration` subcommand
+#### The `GoToDeclaration` subcommand
 Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its declaration.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, go, python, rust`
-### The `GoToDefinition` subcommand
+#### The `GoToDefinition` subcommand
 Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its definition.
@@ -1159,7 +1183,7 @@ with `#include` directives (directly or indirectly) in that file.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, go, javascript, python,
 rust, typescript`
-### The `GoTo` subcommand
+#### The `GoTo` subcommand
 This command tries to perform the "most sensible" GoTo operation it can.
 Currently, this means that it tries to look up the symbol under the cursor and
@@ -1170,7 +1194,7 @@ jump to it. For C#, implementations are also considered and preferred.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, go, javascript, python, rust`
-### The `GoToImprecise` subcommand
+#### The `GoToImprecise` subcommand
 WARNING: This command trades correctness for speed!
@@ -1183,7 +1207,7 @@ latency.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp`
-### The `GoToReferences` subcommand
+#### The `GoToReferences` subcommand
 This command attempts to find all of the references within the project to the
 identifier under the cursor and populates the quickfix list with those
@@ -1191,19 +1215,28 @@ locations.
 Supported in filetypes: `javascript, python, typescript`
-### The `ClearCompilationFlagCache` subcommand
+#### The `GoToImplementation` subcommand
-YCM caches the flags it gets from the `FlagsForFile` function in your
-`ycm_extra_conf.py` file if you return them with the `do_cache` parameter set to
-`True`. The cache is in memory and is never invalidated (unless you restart Vim
-of course).
+Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation (i.e.
+non-interface). If there are multiple implementations, instead provides a list
+of implementations to choose from.
-This command clears that cache entirely. YCM will then re-query your
-`FlagsForFile` function as needed in the future.
+Supported in filetypes: `cs`
-Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp`
+#### The `GoToImplementationElseDeclaration` subcommand
-### The `GetType` subcommand
+Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation if one,
+else jump to its declaration. If there are multiple implementations, instead
+provides a list of implementations to choose from.
+Supported in filetypes: `cs`
+### Semantic information commands
+These commands are useful for finding static information about the code, such
+as the types of variables, viewing declarations and documentation strings.
+#### The `GetType` subcommand
 Echos the type of the variable or method under the cursor, and where it differs,
 the derived type.
@@ -1234,7 +1267,7 @@ NOTE: Causes re-parsing of the current translation unit.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, javascript, typescript`
-### The `GetParent` subcommand
+#### The `GetParent` subcommand
 Echos the semantic parent of the point under the cursor.
@@ -1265,7 +1298,26 @@ NOTE: Causes re-parsing of the current translation unit.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp`
-### The `FixIt` subcommand
+#### The `GetDoc` subcommand
+Displays the preview window populated with quick info about the identifier
+under the cursor. Depending on the file type, this includes things like:
+* The type or declaration of identifier,
+* Doxygen/javadoc comments,
+* Python docstrings,
+* etc.
+Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, python, typescript,
+### Refactoring and FixIt commands
+These commands make changes to your source code in order to perform refactoring
+or code correction. YouCompleteMe does not perform any action which cannot be
+undone, and never saves or writes files to the disk.
+#### The `FixIt` subcommand
 Where available, attempts to make changes to the buffer to correct the
 diagnostic closest to the cursor position.
@@ -1290,8 +1342,8 @@ indication).
 NOTE: Causes re-parsing of the current translation unit.
 NOTE: After applying a fix-it, the diagnostics UI is not immediately updated.
-This is due to a technical restriction in vim, and moving the cursor, or issuing
-the the `:YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics` command will refresh the diagnostics.
+This is due to a technical restriction in Vim. Moving the cursor, or issuing
+the `:YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics` command will refresh the diagnostics.
 Repeated invocations of the `FixIt` command on a given line, however, _do_ apply
 all diagnostics as expected without requiring refreshing of the diagnostics UI.
 This is particularly useful where there are multiple diagnostics on one line, or
@@ -1299,34 +1351,81 @@ where after fixing one diagnostic, another fix-it is available.
 Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs`
-### The `GetDoc` subcommand
+#### The `RefactorRename <new name>` subcommand
-Displays the preview window populated with quick info about the identifier
-under the cursor. This includes, depending on the language, things like:
+In supported file types, this command attempts to perform a semantic rename of
+the identifier under the cursor. This includes renaming declarations,
+definitions and usages of the identifier, or any other language-appropriate
+action. The specific behavior is defined by the semantic engine in use.
-* The type or declaration of identifier
-* Doxygen/javadoc comments
-* Python docstrings
-* etc.
+Similar to `FixIt`, this command applies automatic modifications to your source
+files. Rename operations may involve changes to multiple files, which may or may
+not be open in Vim buffers at the time. YouCompleteMe handles all of this for
+you. The behavior is described in [the following section](#multi-file-refactor).
-Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, python, typescript,
+Supported in filetypes: `javascript` (variables only)
+#### Multi-file Refactor
+When a Refactor or FixIt command touches multiple files, YouCompleteMe attempts
+to apply those modifications to any existing open, visible buffer in the current
+tab. If no such buffer can be found, YouCompleteMe opens the file in a new
+small horizontal split at the top of the current window, applies the change,
+and then *hides* the window. NOTE: The buffer remains open, and must be
+manually saved. A confirmation dialog is opened prior to doing this to remind
+you that this is about to happen.
+Once the modifications have been made, the quickfix list (see `:help quickfix`)
+is opened and populated with the locations of all modifications. This can be
+used to review all automatic changes made. Typically, use the `CTRL-W
+<enter>` combination to open the selected file in a new split.
+The buffers are *not* saved automatically. That is, you must save the modified
+buffers manually after reviewing the changes from the quickfix list. Changes
+can be undone using Vim's powerful undo features (see `:help undo`). Note
+that Vim's undo is per-buffer, so to undo all changes, the undo commands must
+be applied in each modified buffer separately.
+NOTE: While applying modifications, Vim may find files which are already open
+and have a swap file. The command is aborted if you select Abort or Quit in any
+such prompts. This leaves the Refactor operation partially complete and must be
+manually corrected using Vim's undo features. The quickfix list is *not*
+populated in this case. Inspect `:buffers` or equivalent (see `:help buffers`)
+to see the buffers that were opened by the command.
+### Miscellaneous commands
-### The `StartServer` subcommand
+These commands are for general administration, rather than IDE-like features.
+They cover things like the semantic engine server instance and compilation
+#### The `ClearCompilationFlagCache` subcommand
+YCM caches the flags it gets from the `FlagsForFile` function in your
+`ycm_extra_conf.py` file if you return them with the `do_cache` parameter set to
+`True`. The cache is in memory and is never invalidated (unless you restart Vim
+of course).
+This command clears that cache entirely. YCM will then re-query your
+`FlagsForFile` function as needed in the future.
+Supported in filetypes: `c, cpp, objc, objcpp`
+#### The `StartServer` subcommand
 Starts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
 work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
 Supported in filetypes: `cs, go, javascript, rust`
-### The `StopServer` subcommand
+#### The `StopServer` subcommand
 Stops the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
 work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
 Supported in filetypes: `cs, go, javascript, rust`
-### The `RestartServer` subcommand
+#### The `RestartServer` subcommand
 Restarts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
 work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
@@ -1340,7 +1439,7 @@ python binary to use to restart the Python semantic engine.
 Supported in filetypes: `cs, python, rust`
-### The `ReloadSolution` subcommand
+#### The `ReloadSolution` subcommand
 Instruct the Omnisharp server to clear its cache and reload all files from disk.
 This is useful when files are added, removed, or renamed in the solution, files
@@ -1348,22 +1447,6 @@ are changed outside of Vim, or whenever Omnisharp cache is out-of-sync.
 Supported in filetypes: `cs`
-### The `GoToImplementation` subcommand
-Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation (i.e.
-non-interface). If there are multiple implementations, instead provides a list
-of implementations to choose from.
-Supported in filetypes: `cs`
-### The `GoToImplementationElseDeclaration` subcommand
-Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation if one,
-else jump to its declaration. If there are multiple implementations, instead
-provides a list of implementations to choose from.
-Supported in filetypes: `cs`
@@ -1896,7 +1979,7 @@ let g:ycm_csharp_server_port = 0
 By default, when YCM inserts a namespace, it will insert the `using` statement
 under the nearest `using` statement. You may prefer that the `using` statement is
 inserted somewhere, for example, to preserve sorting. If so, you can set this
-option to override this behaviour.
+option to override this behavior.
 When this option is set, instead of inserting the `using` statement itself, YCM
 will set the global variable `g:ycm_namespace_to_insert` to the namespace to

+ 171 - 68

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Contents ~
  1. Introduction                                   |youcompleteme-introduction|
  2. Intro                                                 |youcompleteme-intro|
+  1. And that's not all...                     |youcompleteme-thats-not-all...|
  3. Installation                                   |youcompleteme-installation|
   1. Mac OS X Installation                |youcompleteme-mac-os-x-installation|
   2. Ubuntu Linux x64 Installation |youcompleteme-ubuntu-linux-x64-installation|
@@ -48,23 +49,29 @@ Contents ~
   6. The |:YcmToggleLogs| command
   7. The |:YcmCompleter| command
  7. YcmCompleter subcommands           |youcompleteme-ycmcompleter-subcommands|
-  1. The |GoToInclude| subcommand
-  2. The |GoToDeclaration| subcommand
-  3. The |GoToDefinition| subcommand
-  4. The |GoTo| subcommand
-  5. The |GoToImprecise| subcommand
-  6. The |GoToReferences| subcommand
-  7. The |ClearCompilationFlagCache| subcommand
-  8. The |GetType| subcommand
-  9. The |GetParent| subcommand
-  10. The |FixIt| subcommand
-  11. The |GetDoc| subcommand
-  12. The |StartServer| subcommand
-  13. The |StopServer| subcommand
-  14. The |RestartServer| subcommand
-  15. The |ReloadSolution| subcommand
-  16. The |GoToImplementation| subcommand
-  17. The |GoToImplementationElseDeclaration| subcommand
+  1. GoTo commands                                |youcompleteme-goto-commands|
+   1. The |GoToInclude| subcommand
+   2. The |GoToDeclaration| subcommand
+   3. The |GoToDefinition| subcommand
+   4. The |GoTo| subcommand
+   5. The |GoToImprecise| subcommand
+   6. The |GoToReferences| subcommand
+   7. The |GoToImplementation| subcommand
+   8. The |GoToImplementationElseDeclaration| subcommand
+  2. Semantic information commands |youcompleteme-semantic-information-commands|
+   1. The |GetType| subcommand
+   2. The |GetParent| subcommand
+   3. The |GetDoc| subcommand
+  3. Refactoring and FixIt commands  |youcompleteme-refactoring-fixit-commands|
+   1. The |FixIt| subcommand
+   2. The 'RefactorRename <new name>' subcommand      |RefactorRename-new-name|
+   3. Multi-file Refactor                   |youcompleteme-multi-file-refactor|
+  4. Miscellaneous commands              |youcompleteme-miscellaneous-commands|
+   1. The |ClearCompilationFlagCache| subcommand
+   2. The |StartServer| subcommand
+   3. The |StopServer| subcommand
+   4. The |RestartServer| subcommand
+   5. The |ReloadSolution| subcommand
  8. Functions                                         |youcompleteme-functions|
   1. The |youcompleteme#GetErrorCount| function
   2. The |youcompleteme#GetWarningCount| function
@@ -193,6 +200,10 @@ Image: Build Status [1] Image: Build status [3]
   - YcmCompleter subcommands
+    - Go to declaration/definition/etc. commands
+    - Semantic type information and documentation
+    - Refactoring and FixIt commands
 - Options
 - FAQ
 - Contributor Code of Conduct
@@ -280,9 +291,22 @@ features plus extra:
 - Supertab
 - neocomplcache
-YCM also provides semantic go-to-definition/declaration commands for C-family
-languages & Python. Expect more IDE features powered by the various YCM
-semantic engines in the future.
+                                               *youcompleteme-thats-not-all...*
+And that's not all... ~
+YCM also provides semantic IDE-like features in a number of languages,
+- finding declarations, definitions, usages, etc. of identifiers,
+- displaying type information for classes, variables, functions etc.,
+- displaying documentation for methods, members, etc. in the preview window,
+- fixing common coding errors, like missing semi-colons, typos, etc.,
+- semantic renaming of variables across files (JavaScript only).
+Features vary by file type, so make sure to check out the file type feature
+summary and the full list of completer subcommands to find out what's available
+for your favourite languages.
 You'll also find that YCM has filepath completers (try typing './' in a file)
 and a completer that integrates with UltiSnips [17].
@@ -911,6 +935,7 @@ TypeScript ~
 JavaScript ~
 - Intelligent auto-completion
+- Renaming variables ('RefactorRename <new name>')
 - Go to definition, find references (|GoToDefinition|, |GoToReferences|)
 - Type information for identifiers (|GetType|)
 - View documentation comments for identifiers (|GetDoc|)
@@ -1372,20 +1397,24 @@ purpose.
 The *:YcmCompleter* command
-This command can be used to invoke completer-specific commands. If the first
+This command gives access to a number of additional IDE-like features in YCM,
+for things like semantic GoTo, type information, FixIt and refactoring.
+Technically the command invokes completer-specific commands. If the first
 argument is of the form 'ft=...' the completer for that file type will be used
 (for example 'ft=cpp'), else the native completer of the current buffer will be
-used. Call 'YcmCompleter' without further arguments for information about the
-commands you can call for the selected completer.
+used. Call 'YcmCompleter' without further arguments for a list of the commands
+you can call for the current completer.
-See the _YcmCompleter subcommands_ section for more information on the
-available subcommands.
+See the file type feature summary for an overview of the features available for
+each file type. See the _YcmCompleter subcommands_ section for more information
+on the available subcommands and their usage.
 YcmCompleter subcommands ~
-[See the docs for the 'YcmCompleter' command before tackling this section.]
+NOTE: See the docs for the 'YcmCompleter' command before tackling this section.
 The invoked subcommand is automatically routed to the currently active semantic
 completer, so ':YcmCompleter GoToDefinition' will invoke the |GoToDefinition|
@@ -1397,7 +1426,12 @@ You may also want to map the subcommands to something less verbose; for
 instance, 'nnoremap <leader>jd :YcmCompleter GoTo<CR>' maps the '<leader>jd'
 sequence to the longer subcommand invocation.
-The various 'GoTo*' subcommands add entries to Vim's 'jumplist' so you can use
+                                                  *youcompleteme-goto-commands*
+GoTo commands ~
+These commands are useful for jumping around and exploring code. When moving
+the cursor, the subcommands add entries to Vim's 'jumplist' so you can use
 'CTRL-O' to jump back to where you where before invoking the command (and
 'CTRL-I' to jump forward; see ':h jumplist' for details).
@@ -1465,17 +1499,29 @@ locations.
 Supported in filetypes: 'javascript, python, typescript'
-The *ClearCompilationFlagCache* subcommand
+The *GoToImplementation* subcommand
-YCM caches the flags it gets from the 'FlagsForFile' function in your
-'ycm_extra_conf.py' file if you return them with the 'do_cache' parameter set
-to 'True'. The cache is in memory and is never invalidated (unless you restart
-Vim of course).
+Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation (i.e. non-
+interface). If there are multiple implementations, instead provides a list of
+implementations to choose from.
-This command clears that cache entirely. YCM will then re-query your
-'FlagsForFile' function as needed in the future.
+Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
-Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp'
+The *GoToImplementationElseDeclaration* subcommand
+Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation if one,
+else jump to its declaration. If there are multiple implementations, instead
+provides a list of implementations to choose from.
+Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
+                                  *youcompleteme-semantic-information-commands*
+Semantic information commands ~
+These commands are useful for finding static information about the code, such
+as the types of variables, viewing declarations and documentation strings.
 The *GetType* subcommand
@@ -1535,6 +1581,28 @@ NOTE: Causes re-parsing of the current translation unit.
 Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp'
+The *GetDoc* subcommand
+Displays the preview window populated with quick info about the identifier
+under the cursor. Depending on the file type, this includes things like:
+- The type or declaration of identifier,
+- Doxygen/javadoc comments,
+- Python docstrings,
+- etc.
+Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, python, typescript,
+                                     *youcompleteme-refactoring-fixit-commands*
+Refactoring and FixIt commands ~
+These commands make changes to your source code in order to perform refactoring
+or code correction. YouCompleteMe does not perform any action which cannot be
+undone, and never saves or writes files to the disk.
 The *FixIt* subcommand
@@ -1561,29 +1629,82 @@ indication).
 NOTE: Causes re-parsing of the current translation unit.
 NOTE: After applying a fix-it, the diagnostics UI is not immediately updated.
-This is due to a technical restriction in vim, and moving the cursor, or
-issuing the the |:YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics| command will refresh the
-diagnostics. Repeated invocations of the |FixIt| command on a given line,
-however, _do_ apply all diagnostics as expected without requiring refreshing of
-the diagnostics UI. This is particularly useful where there are multiple
+This is due to a technical restriction in Vim. Moving the cursor, or issuing
+the |:YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics| command will refresh the diagnostics.
+Repeated invocations of the |FixIt| command on a given line, however, _do_
+apply all diagnostics as expected without requiring refreshing of the
+diagnostics UI. This is particularly useful where there are multiple
 diagnostics on one line, or where after fixing one diagnostic, another fix-it
 is available.
 Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs'
-The *GetDoc* subcommand
+                                                      *RefactorRename-new-name*
+The 'RefactorRename <new name>' subcommand ~
-Displays the preview window populated with quick info about the identifier
-under the cursor. This includes, depending on the language, things like:
+In supported file types, this command attempts to perform a semantic rename of
+the identifier under the cursor. This includes renaming declarations,
+definitions and usages of the identifier, or any other language-appropriate
+action. The specific behavior is defined by the semantic engine in use.
-- The type or declaration of identifier
-- Doxygen/javadoc comments
-- Python docstrings
-- etc.
+Similar to |FixIt|, this command applies automatic modifications to your source
+files. Rename operations may involve changes to multiple files, which may or
+may not be open in Vim buffers at the time. YouCompleteMe handles all of this
+for you. The behavior is described in the following section.
-Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp, cs, python, typescript,
+Supported in filetypes: 'javascript' (variables only)
+                                            *youcompleteme-multi-file-refactor*
+Multi-file Refactor ~
+When a Refactor or FixIt command touches multiple files, YouCompleteMe attempts
+to apply those modifications to any existing open, visible buffer in the
+current tab. If no such buffer can be found, YouCompleteMe opens the file in a
+new small horizontal split at the top of the current window, applies the
+change, and then _hides_ the window. NOTE: The buffer remains open, and must be
+manually saved. A confirmation dialog is opened prior to doing this to remind
+you that this is about to happen.
+Once the modifications have been made, the quickfix list (see ':help quickfix')
+is opened and populated with the locations of all modifications. This can be
+used to review all automatic changes made. Typically, use the 'CTRL-W <enter>'
+combination to open the selected file in a new split.
+The buffers are _not_ saved automatically. That is, you must save the modified
+buffers manually after reviewing the changes from the quickfix list. Changes
+can be undone using Vim's powerful undo features (see ':help undo'). Note that
+Vim's undo is per-buffer, so to undo all changes, the undo commands must be
+applied in each modified buffer separately.
+NOTE: While applying modifications, Vim may find files which are already open
+and have a swap file. The command is aborted if you select Abort or Quit in any
+such prompts. This leaves the Refactor operation partially complete and must be
+manually corrected using Vim's undo features. The quickfix list is _not_
+populated in this case. Inspect ':buffers' or equivalent (see ':help buffers')
+to see the buffers that were opened by the command.
+                                         *youcompleteme-miscellaneous-commands*
+Miscellaneous commands ~
+These commands are for general administration, rather than IDE-like features.
+They cover things like the semantic engine server instance and compilation
+The *ClearCompilationFlagCache* subcommand
+YCM caches the flags it gets from the 'FlagsForFile' function in your
+'ycm_extra_conf.py' file if you return them with the 'do_cache' parameter set
+to 'True'. The cache is in memory and is never invalidated (unless you restart
+Vim of course).
+This command clears that cache entirely. YCM will then re-query your
+'FlagsForFile' function as needed in the future.
+Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp'
 The *StartServer* subcommand
@@ -1623,24 +1744,6 @@ files are changed outside of Vim, or whenever Omnisharp cache is out-of-sync.
 Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
-The *GoToImplementation* subcommand
-Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation (i.e. non-
-interface). If there are multiple implementations, instead provides a list of
-implementations to choose from.
-Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
-The *GoToImplementationElseDeclaration* subcommand
-Looks up the symbol under the cursor and jumps to its implementation if one,
-else jump to its declaration. If there are multiple implementations, instead
-provides a list of implementations to choose from.
-Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
 Functions ~
@@ -2137,7 +2240,7 @@ The *g:ycm_csharp_insert_namespace_expr* option
 By default, when YCM inserts a namespace, it will insert the 'using' statement
 under the nearest 'using' statement. You may prefer that the 'using' statement
 is inserted somewhere, for example, to preserve sorting. If so, you can set
-this option to override this behaviour.
+this option to override this behavior.
 When this option is set, instead of inserting the 'using' statement itself, YCM
 will set the global variable 'g:ycm_namespace_to_insert' to the namespace to