@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ Contents ~
1. Introduction |youcompleteme-introduction|
2. Intro |youcompleteme-intro|
- 1. And that's not all... |youcompleteme-thats-not-all...|
3. Installation |youcompleteme-installation|
- 1. Mac OS X Installation |youcompleteme-mac-os-x-installation|
- 2. Ubuntu Linux x64 Installation |youcompleteme-ubuntu-linux-x64-installation|
- 3. Fedora Linux x64 Installation |youcompleteme-fedora-linux-x64-installation|
- 4. Windows Installation |youcompleteme-windows-installation|
- 5. FreeBSD/OpenBSD Installation |youcompleteme-freebsd-openbsd-installation|
+ 1. Mac OS X |youcompleteme-mac-os-x|
+ 2. Ubuntu Linux x64 |youcompleteme-ubuntu-linux-x64|
+ 3. Fedora Linux x64 |youcompleteme-fedora-linux-x64|
+ 4. Windows |youcompleteme-windows|
+ 5. FreeBSD/OpenBSD |youcompleteme-freebsd-openbsd|
6. Full Installation Guide |youcompleteme-full-installation-guide|
4. Quick Feature Summary |youcompleteme-quick-feature-summary|
1. General (all languages) |youcompleteme-general|
@@ -24,22 +23,22 @@ Contents ~
8. Rust |youcompleteme-rust|
5. User Guide |youcompleteme-user-guide|
1. General Usage |youcompleteme-general-usage|
- 2. Client-server architecture |youcompleteme-client-server-architecture|
- 3. Completion string ranking |youcompleteme-completion-string-ranking|
- 4. General Semantic Completion Engine Usage |youcompleteme-general-semantic-completion-engine-usage|
- 5. C-family Semantic Completion Engine Usage |youcompleteme-c-family-semantic-completion-engine-usage|
- 6. JavaScript semantic completion |youcompleteme-javascript-semantic-completion|
+ 2. Client-Server Architecture |youcompleteme-client-server-architecture|
+ 3. Completion String Ranking |youcompleteme-completion-string-ranking|
+ 4. General Semantic Completion |youcompleteme-general-semantic-completion|
+ 5. C-family Semantic Completion |youcompleteme-c-family-semantic-completion|
+ 6. JavaScript Semantic Completion |youcompleteme-javascript-semantic-completion|
1. Quick start |youcompleteme-quick-start|
2. Explanation |youcompleteme-explanation|
3. Tips and tricks |youcompleteme-tips-tricks|
1. Configuring Tern for node support |youcompleteme-configuring-tern-for-node-support|
2. Configuring Tern for requirejs support |youcompleteme-configuring-tern-for-requirejs-support|
- 7. Rust semantic completion |youcompleteme-rust-semantic-completion|
- 8. Python semantic completion |youcompleteme-python-semantic-completion|
- 9. Semantic completion for other languages |youcompleteme-semantic-completion-for-other-languages|
+ 7. Rust Semantic Completion |youcompleteme-rust-semantic-completion|
+ 8. Python Semantic Completion |youcompleteme-python-semantic-completion|
+ 9. Semantic Completion for Other Languages |youcompleteme-semantic-completion-for-other-languages|
10. Writing New Semantic Completers |youcompleteme-writing-new-semantic-completers|
- 11. Diagnostic display |youcompleteme-diagnostic-display|
- 1. Diagnostic highlighting groups |youcompleteme-diagnostic-highlighting-groups|
+ 11. Diagnostic Display |youcompleteme-diagnostic-display|
+ 1. Diagnostic Highlighting Groups |youcompleteme-diagnostic-highlighting-groups|
6. Commands |youcompleteme-commands|
1. The |:YcmRestartServer| command
2. The |:YcmForceCompileAndDiagnostics| command
@@ -48,8 +47,8 @@ Contents ~
5. The |:YcmDebugInfo| command
6. The |:YcmToggleLogs| command
7. The |:YcmCompleter| command
- 7. YcmCompleter subcommands |youcompleteme-ycmcompleter-subcommands|
- 1. GoTo commands |youcompleteme-goto-commands|
+ 7. YcmCompleter Subcommands |youcompleteme-ycmcompleter-subcommands|
+ 1. GoTo Commands |youcompleteme-goto-commands|
1. The |GoToInclude| subcommand
2. The |GoToDeclaration| subcommand
3. The |GoToDefinition| subcommand
@@ -58,15 +57,15 @@ Contents ~
6. The |GoToReferences| subcommand
7. The |GoToImplementation| subcommand
8. The |GoToImplementationElseDeclaration| subcommand
- 2. Semantic information commands |youcompleteme-semantic-information-commands|
+ 2. Semantic Information Commands |youcompleteme-semantic-information-commands|
1. The |GetType| subcommand
2. The |GetParent| subcommand
3. The |GetDoc| subcommand
- 3. Refactoring and FixIt commands |youcompleteme-refactoring-fixit-commands|
+ 3. Refactoring and FixIt Commands |youcompleteme-refactoring-fixit-commands|
1. The |FixIt| subcommand
2. The 'RefactorRename <new name>' subcommand |RefactorRename-new-name|
3. Multi-file Refactor |youcompleteme-multi-file-refactor|
- 4. Miscellaneous commands |youcompleteme-miscellaneous-commands|
+ 4. Miscellaneous Commands |youcompleteme-miscellaneous-commands|
1. The |ClearCompilationFlagCache| subcommand
2. The |StartServer| subcommand
3. The |StopServer| subcommand
@@ -181,26 +180,29 @@ Image: Build Status [1] Image: Build status [3]
- User Guide
- General Usage
- - Client-server architecture
- - Completion string ranking
- - General semantic completion
- - C-family semantic completion
- - JavaScript semantic completion
- - Rust semantic completion
- - Python semantic completion
- - Semantic completion for other languages
- - Writing new semantic completers
- - Diagnostic display
- - Diagnostic highlighting groups
+ - Client-Server Architecture
+ - Completion String Ranking
+ - General Semantic Completion
+ - C-family Semantic Completion
+ - JavaScript Semantic Completion
+ - Rust Semantic Completion
+ - Python Semantic Completion
+ - Semantic Completion for Other Languages
+ - Writing New Semantic Completers
+ - Diagnostic Display
+ - Diagnostic Highlighting Groups
- Commands
- YcmCompleter subcommands
- - Go to declaration/definition/etc. commands
- - Semantic type information and documentation
- - Refactoring and FixIt commands
+ - GoTo Commands
+ - Semantic Information Commands
+ - Refactoring and FixIt Commands
+ - Miscellaneous Commands
+- Functions
- Options
- Contributor Code of Conduct
@@ -288,9 +290,7 @@ features plus extra:
- Supertab
- neocomplcache
- *youcompleteme-thats-not-all...*
-And that's not all... ~
+**And that's not all...**
YCM also provides semantic IDE-like features in a number of languages,
@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ and a completer that integrates with UltiSnips [17].
Installation ~
- *youcompleteme-mac-os-x-installation*
-Mac OS X Installation ~
+ *youcompleteme-mac-os-x*
+Mac OS X ~
Please refer to the full Installation Guide below; the following commands are
provided on a best-effort basis and may not work for you.
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ look at what's available for configuration. There are a few interesting options
that are conservatively turned off by default that you may want to turn on.
- *youcompleteme-ubuntu-linux-x64-installation*
-Ubuntu Linux x64 Installation ~
+ *youcompleteme-ubuntu-linux-x64*
+Ubuntu Linux x64 ~
Please refer to the full Installation Guide below; the following commands are
provided on a best-effort basis and may not work for you.
@@ -451,8 +451,8 @@ look at what's available for configuration. There are a few interesting options
that are conservatively turned off by default that you may want to turn on.
- *youcompleteme-fedora-linux-x64-installation*
-Fedora Linux x64 Installation ~
+ *youcompleteme-fedora-linux-x64*
+Fedora Linux x64 ~
Please refer to the full Installation Guide below; the following commands are
provided on a best-effort basis and may not work for you.
@@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ look at what's available for configuration. There are a few interesting options
that are conservatively turned off by default that you may want to turn on.
- *youcompleteme-windows-installation*
-Windows Installation ~
+ *youcompleteme-windows*
+Windows ~
Please refer to the full Installation Guide below; the following commands are
provided on a best-effort basis and may not work for you.
@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ look at what's available for configuration. There are a few interesting options
that are conservatively turned off by default that you may want to turn on.
- *youcompleteme-freebsd-openbsd-installation*
-FreeBSD/OpenBSD Installation ~
+ *youcompleteme-freebsd-openbsd*
+FreeBSD/OpenBSD ~
Please refer to the full Installation Guide below; the following commands are
provided on a best-effort basis and may not work for you. OpenBSD / FreeBSD are
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ and presents the results to you.
-Client-server architecture ~
+Client-Server Architecture ~
YCM has a client-server architecture; the Vim part of YCM is only a thin client
that talks to the ycmd HTTP+JSON server [34] that has the vast majority of YCM
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ start and stop Vim.
-Completion string ranking ~
+Completion String Ranking ~
The subsequence filter removes any completions that do not match the input, but
then the sorting system kicks in. It's actually very complicated and uses lots
@@ -1009,16 +1009,16 @@ preceded by an underscore and the first letter character in the completion
- *youcompleteme-general-semantic-completion-engine-usage*
-General Semantic Completion Engine Usage ~
+ *youcompleteme-general-semantic-completion*
+General Semantic Completion ~
- You can use Ctrl+Space to trigger the completion suggestions anywhere, even
without a string prefix. This is useful to see which top-level functions
are available for use.
- *youcompleteme-c-family-semantic-completion-engine-usage*
-C-family Semantic Completion Engine Usage ~
+ *youcompleteme-c-family-semantic-completion*
+C-family Semantic Completion ~
YCM looks for a '.ycm_extra_conf.py' file in the directory of the opened file
or in any directory above it in the hierarchy (recursively); when the file is
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ your file.
-JavaScript semantic completion ~
+JavaScript Semantic Completion ~
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ Can be used as follows:
-Rust semantic completion ~
+Rust Semantic Completion ~
Completions and GoTo commands within the current crate and its dependencies
should work out of the box with no additional configuration (provided that you
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ following option so YouCompleteMe can locate it.
-Python semantic completion ~
+Python Semantic Completion ~
Completion and GoTo commands work out of the box with no additional
configuration. Those features are provided by the jedi [6] library which
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ set:
-Semantic completion for other languages ~
+Semantic Completion for Other Languages ~
Python, C#, Go, Rust, and TypeScript are supported natively by YouCompleteMe
using the Jedi [6], Omnisharp [8], Gocode [9], racer [13], and TSServer [11]
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ Completer API.
-Diagnostic display ~
+Diagnostic Display ~
YCM will display diagnostic notifications for C-family and C# languages if you
compiled YCM with Clang and Omnisharp support, respectively. Since YCM
@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ yours truly.
-Diagnostic highlighting groups ~
+Diagnostic Highlighting Groups ~
You can change the styling for the highlighting groups YCM uses. For the signs
in the Vim gutter, the relevant groups are:
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ on the available subcommands and their usage.
-YcmCompleter subcommands ~
+YcmCompleter Subcommands ~
NOTE: See the docs for the 'YcmCompleter' command before tackling this section.
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ sequence to the longer subcommand invocation.
-GoTo commands ~
+GoTo Commands ~
These commands are useful for jumping around and exploring code. When moving
the cursor, the subcommands add entries to Vim's 'jumplist' so you can use
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ Supported in filetypes: 'cs'
-Semantic information commands ~
+Semantic Information Commands ~
These commands are useful for finding static information about the code, such
as the types of variables, viewing declarations and documentation strings.
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ javascript'
-Refactoring and FixIt commands ~
+Refactoring and FixIt Commands ~
These commands make changes to your source code in order to perform refactoring
or code correction. YouCompleteMe does not perform any action which cannot be
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ to see the buffers that were opened by the command.
-Miscellaneous commands ~
+Miscellaneous Commands ~
These commands are for general administration, rather than IDE-like features.
They cover things like the semantic engine server instance and compilation
@@ -3028,8 +3028,8 @@ The author's homepage is http://val.markovic.io.
License ~
-This software is licensed under the GPL v3 license [59]. © 2015 YouCompleteMe
+This software is licensed under the GPL v3 license [59]. © 2015-2016
+YouCompleteMe contributors
Image: Bitdeli Badge [60]