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Preserve previous window when updating matches

Ensure <c-w>p still go to the previous window after updating matches for
the current buffer.
micbou пре 6 година
2 измењених фајлова са 24 додато и 5 уклоњено
  1. 17 5
  2. 7 0

+ 17 - 5

@@ -178,6 +178,14 @@ def _MockVimBufferEval( value ):
   return None
+def _MockVimWindowEval( value ):
+  if value == 'winnr("#")':
+    # For simplicity, we always assume there is no previous window.
+    return 0
+  return None
 def _MockVimOptionsEval( value ):
   result = VIM_OPTIONS.get( value )
   if result is not None:
@@ -266,6 +274,10 @@ def _MockVimEval( value ):
   if result is not None:
     return result
+  result = _MockVimWindowEval( value )
+  if result is not None:
+    return result
   result = _MockVimMatchEval( value )
   if result is not None:
     return result
@@ -485,10 +497,10 @@ class VimWindows( object ):
   def __getitem__( self, number ):
     """Emulates vim.windows[ number ]"""
-    for window in self._windows:
-      if number == window.number:
-        return window
-    raise KeyError( number )
+    try:
+      return self._windows[ number ]
+    except IndexError:
+      raise IndexError( 'no such window' )
   def __iter__( self ):
@@ -581,7 +593,7 @@ def MockVimBuffers( buffers, window_buffers, cursor_position = ( 1, 1 ) ):
   with patch( 'vim.buffers', VimBuffers( buffers ) ):
     with patch( 'vim.windows', VimWindows( window_buffers,
                                            cursor_position ) ) as windows:
-      with patch( 'vim.current', VimCurrent( windows[ 1 ] ) ):
+      with patch( 'vim.current', VimCurrent( windows[ 0 ] ) ):
         yield VIM_MOCK

+ 7 - 0

@@ -1230,16 +1230,23 @@ def AutocommandEventsIgnored( events = [ 'all' ] ):
     vim.options[ 'eventignore' ] = old_eventignore
+def GetPreviousWindowNumber():
+  return GetIntValue( 'winnr("#")' ) - 1
 def CurrentWindow():
   """Context manager to perform operations on other windows than the current one
   without triggering autocommands related to window movement. Use the
   SwitchWindow function to move to other windows while under the context."""
+  previous_window = vim.windows[ GetPreviousWindowNumber() ]
   current_window = vim.current.window
   with AutocommandEventsIgnored( [ 'WinEnter', 'Winleave' ] ):
+      # Ensure <c-w>p still go to the previous window.
+      vim.current.window = previous_window
       vim.current.window = current_window