@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CommandRequest( BaseRequest ):
self._request_data = None
- def Start( self ):
+ def Start( self, silent = False ):
self._request_data = BuildRequestData()
if self._extra_data:
self._request_data.update( self._extra_data )
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ class CommandRequest( BaseRequest ):
'command_arguments': self._arguments
} )
self._response = self.PostDataToHandler( self._request_data,
- 'run_completer_command' )
+ 'run_completer_command',
+ display_message = not silent )
def Response( self ):
@@ -80,6 +81,37 @@ class CommandRequest( BaseRequest ):
return self._HandleGotoResponse( modifiers )
+ def StringResponse( self ):
+ # Retuns a supporable public API version of the response. The reason this
+ # exists is that the ycmd API here is wonky as it originally only supported
+ # text-responses and now has things like fixits and such.
+ #
+ # The supportable public API is basically any text-only response. All other
+ # response types are returned as empty strings
+ if not self.Done():
+ raise RuntimeError( "Response is not ready" )
+ # Completer threw an error ?
+ if self._response is None:
+ return ""
+ # If not a dictionary or a list, the response is necessarily a
+ # scalar: boolean, number, string, etc. In this case, we print
+ # it to the user.
+ if not isinstance( self._response, ( dict, list ) ):
+ return str( self._response )
+ if 'message' in self._response:
+ return self._response[ 'message' ]
+ if 'detailed_info' in self._response:
+ return self._response[ 'detailed_info' ]
+ # The only other type of response we understand is 'fixits' and GoTo. We
+ # don't provide string versions of them.
+ return ""
def _HandleGotoResponse( self, modifiers ):
if isinstance( self._response, list ):
@@ -148,6 +180,13 @@ def SendCommandRequest( arguments,
return request.Response()
+def GetCommandResponse( arguments, extra_data = None ):
+ request = CommandRequest( arguments, "", extra_data )
+ # This is a blocking call.
+ request.Start( silent = True )
+ return request.StringResponse()
def _BuildQfListItem( goto_data_item ):
qf_item = {}
if 'filepath' in goto_data_item: