@@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ function! s:CheckPopupVisibleScreenPos( loc, text, syntax )
let popup = popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col )
let popup = popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col )
call assert_notequal( 0,
call assert_notequal( 0,
\ popup,
\ popup,
- \ 'Locate popup at '
+ \ 'Locate popup at ('
\ . a:loc.row
\ . a:loc.row
\ . ','
\ . ','
\ . a:loc.col
\ . a:loc.col
\ . ')' )
\ . ')' )
- call assert_equal( a:text,
- \ getbufline( winbufnr( popup ), 1, '$' ) )
+ if a:text isnot v:none
+ call assert_equal( a:text,
+ \ getbufline( winbufnr( popup ), 1, '$' ) )
+ endif
call assert_equal( a:syntax, getbufvar( winbufnr( popup ), '&syntax' ) )
call assert_equal( a:syntax, getbufvar( winbufnr( popup ), '&syntax' ) )
@@ -373,3 +375,52 @@ endfunction
function! TearDown_Test_Hover_Custom_Command()
function! TearDown_Test_Hover_Custom_Command()
au! MyYCMCustom
au! MyYCMCustom
+function! Test_Long_Single_Line()
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/python/doc.py', {} )
+ call cursor( [ 37, 3 ] )
+ normal \D
+ " The popup should cover at least the whole of the line above, and not the
+ " current line
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 36, 1, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 36, &columns, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, 1 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, &columns )
+ " Also wrap is ON so it should cover at least 2 lines + 2 for the header/empty
+ " line
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 35, 1, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 35, &columns, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 33, 1, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 33, &columns, v:none, '' )
+ call popup_clear()
+ %bwipe!
+function! Test_Long_Wrapped()
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile( '/test/testdata/python/doc.py', {} )
+ call cursor( [ 38, 22 ] )
+ normal \D
+ " The popup should cover at least the whole of the line above, and not the
+ " current line. In this case, it's because the popup was shifted.
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 37, 1, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 37, &columns, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, 1 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, &columns )
+ " Also, wrap is off, so it should be _exactly_ 9 lines + 2 for the signature
+ " and the empty line
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 27, 1, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupVisible( 27, &columns, v:none, '' )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, 1 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, &columns )
+ call popup_clear()
+ %bwipe!