@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ endfunction
" " clean up
" " clean up
" call StopVimInTerminal(vim)
" call StopVimInTerminal(vim)
" call delete('XtestPopup')
" call delete('XtestPopup')
-" %bwipeout!
" endfunction
" endfunction
function! Test_Enough_Screen_Space()
function! Test_Enough_Screen_Space()
@@ -175,7 +174,6 @@ function! Test_Signatures_After_Trigger()
\ } )
\ } )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipeout!
delfunc! Check
delfunc! Check
@@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ function! Test_Signatures_With_PUM_NoSigns()
" https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/4665#event-2480928194
" https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/4665#event-2480928194
call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 )
call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 )
- function Check2( id ) closure
+ function! Check2( id ) closure
call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_true( pumvisible() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_true( pumvisible() ) } )
call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_notequal( [], complete_info().items ) } )
call WaitForAssert( {-> assert_notequal( [], complete_info().items ) } )
call assert_equal( 7, pum_getpos().row )
call assert_equal( 7, pum_getpos().row )
@@ -251,7 +249,6 @@ function! Test_Signatures_With_PUM_NoSigns()
\ } )
\ } )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipeout!
delfunc! Check
delfunc! Check
delfunc! Check2
delfunc! Check2
@@ -331,7 +328,6 @@ function! Test_Signatures_With_PUM_Signs()
\ } )
\ } )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipeout!
delfunc! Check
delfunc! Check
delfunc! Check2
delfunc! Check2
@@ -414,7 +410,6 @@ function! Test_Placement_Simple()
call s:_ClearSigHelp()
call s:_ClearSigHelp()
call popup_clear()
call popup_clear()
- %bwipeout!
function! Test_Placement_MultiLine()
function! Test_Placement_MultiLine()
@@ -498,7 +493,6 @@ function! Test_Placement_MultiLine()
call s:_ClearSigHelp()
call s:_ClearSigHelp()
call popup_clear()
call popup_clear()
- %bwipeout!
function! Test_Signatures_TopLine()
function! Test_Signatures_TopLine()
@@ -519,7 +513,6 @@ function! Test_Signatures_TopLine()
call feedkeys( 'cl(', 'ntx!' )
call feedkeys( 'cl(', 'ntx!' )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipeout!
delfun! Check
delfun! Check
@@ -574,8 +567,217 @@ function! Test_Signatures_TopLineWithPUM()
call feedkeys( 'C(', 'ntx!' )
call feedkeys( 'C(', 'ntx!' )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
- %bwipeout!
delfunc! CheckSigHelpAndTriggerCompletion
delfunc! CheckSigHelpAndTriggerCompletion
delfunc! CheckCompletionVisibleAndSigHelpHidden
delfunc! CheckCompletionVisibleAndSigHelpHidden
+function! SetUp_Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help()
+ set signcolumn=no
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt',
+ \ 'popup' )
+function! Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help()
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
+ \ 'test/testdata/cpp/complete_with_sig_help.cc', {} )
+ call s:WaitForSigHelpAvailable( 'cpp' )
+ call setpos( '.', [ 0, 10, 1 ] )
+ " Required to trigger TextChangedI
+ " https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/4665#event-2480928194
+ call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 )
+ function! Check( ... )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( '"", t.', funcref( 'Check2' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check2( ... )
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.' )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<Tab>", funcref( 'Check3' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check3( ... )
+ " Ensure that we didn't make an error?
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ let compl = complete_info()
+ let selected = compl.items[ compl.selected ]
+ call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing', selected.word )
+ call WaitFor( {->
+ \ popup_findinfo() > 0 &&
+ \ has_key( popup_getpos( popup_findinfo() ), 'visible' ) } )
+ let info_popup_id = popup_findinfo()
+ call assert_true( popup_getpos( info_popup_id )[ 'visible' ] )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.that_is_a_thing' )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<Tab>", funcref( 'Check4' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check4( ... )
+ " Ensure that we didn't make an error?
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ let info_popup_id = popup_findinfo()
+ let compl = complete_info()
+ let selected = compl.items[ compl.selected ]
+ call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing', selected.word )
+ call assert_true( popup_getpos( info_popup_id )[ 'visible' ] )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.this_is_a_thing' )
+ call feedkeys( "\<Esc>" )
+ endfunction
+ call FeedAndCheckMain( 'iprintf(', funcref( 'Check' ) )
+ call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
+ delfunc! Check
+ delfunc! Check2
+ delfunc! Check3
+ delfunc! Check4
+function! TearDown_Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help()
+ set signcolumn&
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt' )
+function! SetUp_Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help_EmptyBuf()
+ set signcolumn=no
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist', {
+ \ '*': 1,
+ \ 'ycm_nofiletype': 1
+ \ } )
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_blacklist', {} )
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PushGlobal( 'ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt',
+ \ 'popup' )
+function! Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help_EmptyBuf()
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#OpenFile(
+ \ 'test/testdata/cpp/complete_with_sig_help.cc', {} )
+ call s:WaitForSigHelpAvailable( 'cpp' )
+ call setpos( '.', [ 0, 10, 1 ] )
+ " Required to trigger TextChangedI
+ " https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/4665#event-2480928194
+ call test_override( 'char_avail', 1 )
+ function! Check( ... )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( '"", t.', funcref( 'Check2' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check2( ... )
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.' )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<Tab>", funcref( 'Check3' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check3( ... )
+ " Ensure that we didn't make an error?
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ " XFAIL: Currently the test fails here because the signature help popup
+ " disappears when the info_popup is displayed. This seems to be because we
+ " end up triggering a FileReadyToParse event inside the info popup (or the
+ " signature popup) due to what appears to be a vim bug - the `buftype` of
+ " the buffer inside the popup starts off as `popup` but shimers to `""` at
+ " some point, making us think it's ok to parse it with ycm_nofiletype is
+ " whitelisted.
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ let compl = complete_info()
+ let selected = compl.items[ compl.selected ]
+ call assert_equal( 'that_is_a_thing', selected.word )
+ call WaitFor( {->
+ \ popup_findinfo() > 0 &&
+ \ has_key( popup_getpos( popup_findinfo() ), 'visible' ) } )
+ let info_popup_id = popup_findinfo()
+ call assert_true( popup_getpos( info_popup_id )[ 'visible' ] )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.that_is_a_thing' )
+ call FeedAndCheckAgain( "\<Tab>", funcref( 'Check4' ) )
+ endfunction
+ function! Check4( ... )
+ " Ensure that we didn't make an error?
+ call WaitForCompletion()
+ call CheckCompletionItems( [ 'that_is_a_thing', 'this_is_a_thing' ] )
+ call youcompleteme#test#popup#CheckPopupPosition(
+ \ s:_GetSigHelpWinID(),
+ \ { 'line': 9, 'col': 6, 'visible': 1 } )
+ let info_popup_id = popup_findinfo()
+ let compl = complete_info()
+ let selected = compl.items[ compl.selected ]
+ call assert_equal( 'this_is_a_thing', selected.word )
+ call assert_true( popup_getpos( info_popup_id )[ 'visible' ] )
+ call CheckCurrentLine( 'printf("", t.this_is_a_thing' )
+ call feedkeys( "\<Esc>" )
+ endfunction
+ call FeedAndCheckMain( 'iprintf(', funcref( 'Check' ) )
+ call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
+ delfunc! Check
+ delfunc! Check2
+ delfunc! Check3
+ delfunc! Check4
+ throw 'SKIPPED: XFAIL: This test is expected to fail due to '
+ \ .. 'https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe/issues/3781'
+function! TearDown_Test_Semantic_Completion_Popup_With_Sig_Help_EmptyBuf()
+ set signcolumn&
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_whitelist' )
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_filetype_blacklist' )
+ call youcompleteme#test#setup#PopGlobal( 'ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt' )