@@ -11,6 +11,21 @@ NOTE: Minimum Requirements Have Changed
Our policy is to support the Vim version that's in the latest LTS of Ubuntu.
That's currently Ubuntu 20.04 which contains `vim-nox` at `v8.1.2269`.
+For neovim users, 0.4.4 is required.
+NOTE: Minimum compiler versions will soon be increased
+In order to provide the best possible performance and stability, ycmd will
+soon update its code to C++17. This will require a version bump of the minimum
+supported compilers. The new requirements will be:
+| Compiler | Current Min | Upcoming |
+| GCC | 4.8 | 8 |
+| Clang | 4 | 7 |
+| MSVC | 14 (VS 2015) | 15.7 (VS 2017) |
Help, Advice, Support
@@ -738,7 +753,6 @@ Quick Feature Summary
* Type information for identifiers (`GetType`)
* Renaming symbols (`RefactorRename <new name>`)
* Code formatting (`Format`)
-* Execute custom server command (`ExecuteCommand <args>`)
* Management of `rust-analyzer` server instance
### Java
@@ -1985,10 +1999,9 @@ flags.
#### The `ExecuteCommand <args>` subcommand
-Some LSP completers (currently Rust and Java completers) support executing
-server specific commands. Consult the [rust-analyzer][] and [jdt.ls][] respective
-documentations to find out what commands are supported and which arguments are
+Some LSP completers (currently only Java completers) support executing
+server specific commands. Consult the [jdt.ls][] documentation to find out
+what commands are supported and which arguments are expected.
The support for `ExecuteCommand` was implemented to support plugins like
[vimspector][] to debug java, but isn't limited to that specific use case.