
Added check for Vim 'hidden' option when trying to open result in the same buffer

Davit Samvelyan 11 年之前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 16 次插入4 次删除
  1. 5 2
  2. 11 2

+ 5 - 2

@@ -1339,8 +1339,11 @@ Default: `1`
 ### The `g:ycm_goto_buffer_command` option
 Defines where `GoTo*` commands result should be opened.
-Can take one of the following values: `[ 'same-buffer', 'horizontal-split', 'vertical-split', 'new-tab' ]`
-If this option is set to `'same-buffer'` but current buffer is modified then result will be opened in horizontal split.
+Can take one of the following values:
+`[ 'same-buffer', 'horizontal-split', 'vertical-split', 'new-tab' ]`
+If this option is set to the `'same-buffer'` but current buffer can not
+be switched (when buffer is modified and `nohidden` option is set),
+then result will be opened in horizontal split.
 Default: `'same-buffer'`
     let g:ycm_goto_buffer_command = 'same-buffer'

+ 11 - 2

@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ def GetBufferOption( buffer_object, option ):
 def BufferModified( buffer_object ):
-  return bool( int( GetBufferOption( buffer_object, 'mod' ) ) )
+  return buffer_object.options[ 'mod' ]
 def GetUnsavedAndCurrentBufferData():
   buffers_data = {}
@@ -238,6 +239,14 @@ def VimExpressionToPythonType( vim_expression ):
     return result
+def HiddenEnabled( buffer_object ):
+  return vim.options[ 'hid' ]
+def BufferIsUsable( buffer_object ):
+  return not BufferModified( buffer_object ) or HiddenEnabled( buffer_object )
 # Both |line| and |column| need to be 1-based
 def JumpToLocation( filename, line, column ):
   # Add an entry to the jumplist
@@ -252,7 +261,7 @@ def JumpToLocation( filename, line, column ):
     # jumplist.
     user_command = user_options_store.Value( 'goto_buffer_command' )
     command = BUFFER_COMMAND_MAP.get( user_command, 'edit' )
-    if command == 'edit' and BufferModified( vim.current.buffer ):
+    if command == 'edit' and not BufferIsUsable( vim.current.buffer ):
       command = 'split'
     vim.command( 'keepjumps {0} {1}'.format( command, filename ) )
   vim.current.window.cursor = ( line, column - 1 )