@@ -171,6 +171,15 @@ def GetBufferChangedTick( bufnr ):
return GetIntValue( 'getbufvar({0}, "changedtick")'.format( bufnr ) )
+def CaptureVimCommand( command ):
+ vim.command( 'redir => b:ycm_command' )
+ vim.command( 'silent! {}'.format( command ) )
+ vim.command( 'redir END' )
+ output = vim.eval( 'b:ycm_command' )
+ vim.command( 'unlet b:ycm_command' )
+ return output
class DiagnosticSign( namedtuple( 'DiagnosticSign',
[ 'id', 'line', 'name', 'buffer_number' ] ) ):
# We want two signs that have different ids but the same location to compare
@@ -182,11 +191,8 @@ class DiagnosticSign( namedtuple( 'DiagnosticSign',
def GetSignsInBuffer( buffer_number ):
- vim.command( 'redir => b:ycm_sign' )
- vim.command( 'silent sign place buffer={}'.format( buffer_number ) )
- vim.command( 'redir END' )
- sign_output = vim.eval( 'b:ycm_sign' )
- vim.command( 'unlet b:ycm_sign' )
+ sign_output = CaptureVimCommand(
+ 'sign place buffer={}'.format( buffer_number ) )
signs = []
for line in sign_output.split( '\n' ):
match = SIGN_PLACE_REGEX.search( line )