@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Exit immediately if a command returns a non-zero status.
+set -e
+# Homebrew setup
+# There's a homebrew bug which causes brew update to fail the first time. Run
+# it twice to workaround. https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/42553
+brew update || brew update
+# List of homebrew formulae to install in the order they appear.
+# We require CMake and Ninja for our build and tests, and all the others are
+# dependencies of pyenv.
+ ninja
+ readline
+ autoconf
+ pkg-config
+ openssl"
+# Install CMake, Ninja, and pyenv dependencies.
+for pkg in $REQUIREMENTS; do
+ # Install package, or upgrade it if it is already installed.
+ brew install $pkg || brew outdated $pkg || brew upgrade $pkg
+# Python setup
+if [ ! -d "${PYENV_ROOT}/.git" ]; then
+ rm -rf ${PYENV_ROOT}
+ git clone https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv.git ${PYENV_ROOT}
+pushd ${PYENV_ROOT}
+git fetch --tags
+git checkout v1.2.1
+eval "$(pyenv init -)"
+if [ "${YCMD_PYTHON_VERSION}" == "2.7" ]; then
+ # We need a recent enough version of Python 2.7 on macOS or an error occurs
+ # when installing the psutil dependency for our tests.
+# In order to work with ycmd, python *must* be built as a shared library. The
+# most compatible way to do this on macOS is with --enable-framework. This is
+# set via the PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS option.
+export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework"
+pyenv install --skip-existing ${PYENV_VERSION}
+pyenv rehash
+pyenv global ${PYENV_VERSION}
+# Initialize pyenv in other steps. See
+# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/#interpolating-environment-variables-to-set-other-environment-variables
+# and https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/issues/264
+echo "export PATH=${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:\$PATH
+if [ -z \"\${PYENV_LOADING}\" ]; then
+ export PYENV_LOADING=true
+ eval \"\$(pyenv init -)\"
+fi" >> $BASH_ENV
+pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
+pip install -r python/test_requirements.txt
+set +e