@@ -494,10 +494,9 @@ Make sure you have Vim 7.4.1578 with Python 2 or Python 3 support.
OpenBSD 5.5 and later have a Vim that's recent enough. You can see the version of
Vim installed by running `vim --version`.
-FreeBSD 10.x comes with clang compiler but not the libraries needed to install.
+For FreeBSD 11.x, the requirement is cmake:
- pkg install llvm38 boost-all boost-python-libs clang38
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/llvm38/lib/
+ pkg install cmake
Install YouCompleteMe with [Vundle][].
@@ -506,17 +505,20 @@ using Vundle and the ycm_core library APIs have changed (happens
rarely), YCM will notify you to recompile it. You should then rerun the install
-Install dependencies and CMake: `sudo pkg_add llvm boost cmake`
Compiling YCM **with** semantic support for C-family languages:
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
- ./install.py --clang-completer --system-libclang --system-boost
+ ./install.py --clang-completer
Compiling YCM **without** semantic support for C-family languages:
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
- ./install.py --system-boost
+ ./install.py
+If the `python` executable is not present, or the default `python` is not the
+one that should be compiled against, specify the python interpreter explicitly:
+ python3 install.py --clang-completer
The following additional language support options are available: