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Ensure only loclist or quickfix windows are closed

micbou 6 years ago

+ 5 - 1

@@ -107,7 +107,11 @@ class GoToResponse_QuickFix_test( object ):
     ] )
     vim_command.assert_has_exact_calls( [
       call( 'botright copen' ),
-      call( 'au WinLeave <buffer> q' ),
+      call( 'augroup ycmquickfix' ),
+      call( 'autocmd! * <buffer>' ),
+      call( 'autocmd WinLeave <buffer> '
+            'if bufnr( "%" ) == expand( "<abuf>" ) | q | endif' ),
+      call( 'augroup END' ),
       call( 'doautocmd User YcmQuickFixOpened' )
     ] )

+ 5 - 1

@@ -165,7 +165,11 @@ def OpenLocationList_test( vim_command, fitting_height, variable_exists ):
   vimsupport.OpenLocationList( focus = False, autoclose = True )
   vim_command.assert_has_exact_calls( [
     call( 'lopen' ),
-    call( 'au WinLeave <buffer> q' ),
+    call( 'augroup ycmlocation' ),
+    call( 'autocmd! * <buffer>' ),
+    call( 'autocmd WinLeave <buffer> '
+          'if bufnr( "%" ) == expand( "<abuf>" ) | q | endif' ),
+    call( 'augroup END' ),
     call( 'doautocmd User YcmLocationOpened' ),
     call( 'silent! wincmd p' )
   ] )

+ 12 - 6

@@ -341,9 +341,7 @@ def OpenLocationList( focus = False, autoclose = False ):
   if autoclose:
-    # This autocommand is automatically removed when the location list window is
-    # closed.
-    vim.command( 'au WinLeave <buffer> q' )
+    AutoCloseOnCurrentBuffer( 'ycmlocation' )
   if VariableExists( '#User#YcmLocationOpened' ):
     vim.command( 'doautocmd User YcmLocationOpened' )
@@ -368,9 +366,7 @@ def OpenQuickFixList( focus = False, autoclose = False ):
   if autoclose:
-    # This autocommand is automatically removed when the quickfix window is
-    # closed.
-    vim.command( 'au WinLeave <buffer> q' )
+    AutoCloseOnCurrentBuffer( 'ycmquickfix' )
   if VariableExists( '#User#YcmQuickFixOpened' ):
     vim.command( 'doautocmd User YcmQuickFixOpened' )
@@ -1238,3 +1234,13 @@ def VimVersionAtLeast( version_string ):
     return actual_major_and_minor > matching_major_and_minor
   return GetBoolValue( "has( 'patch{0}' )".format( patch ) )
+def AutoCloseOnCurrentBuffer( name ):
+  """Create an autocommand group with name |name| on the current buffer that
+  automatically closes it when leaving its window."""
+  vim.command( 'augroup {}'.format( name ) )
+  vim.command( 'autocmd! * <buffer>' )
+  vim.command( 'autocmd WinLeave <buffer> '
+               'if bufnr( "%" ) == expand( "<abuf>" ) | q | endif' )
+  vim.command( 'augroup END' )