@@ -54,9 +54,6 @@ from ycm.tests.mock_utils import ( MockAsyncServerResponseDone,
MockAsyncServerResponseException )
-import ycm.youcompleteme as ycm_module
def YouCompleteMe_YcmCoreNotImported_test( ycm ):
assert_that( 'ycm_core', is_not( is_in( sys.modules ) ) )
@@ -720,70 +717,10 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateMatches_ClearDiagnosticMatchesInNewBuffer_test( ycm ):
has_entries( { 1: empty() } ) )
-@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
- 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
- 'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
-@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
- return_value = True )
-@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
-def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_NotAvailableForFIletype_test(
- ycm, post_vim_message, *args ):
- diagnostics = [
- {
- 'kind': 'ERROR',
- 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
- 'location': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1
- },
- 'location_extent': {
- 'start': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1,
- },
- 'end': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1,
- }
- },
- 'ranges': []
- },
- ]
- current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- contents = [ 'current' ] * 10,
- number = 1 )
- buffers = [ current_buffer ]
- windows = [ current_buffer ]
- # Register each buffer internally with YCM
- for current in buffers:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, [ current ] ):
- ycm.OnFileReadyToParse()
- with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.SetLocationListForWindow',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as set_location_list_for_window:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, windows ):
- ycm.UpdateWithNewDiagnosticsForFile( '/current', diagnostics )
- post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [] )
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [] )
- assert_that(
- empty()
- )
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
'g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui': 0,
'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
@@ -841,71 +778,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_UserDisabled_test( ycm,
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
- 'g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui': 0,
'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
-@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
- return_value = True )
-@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
-def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_UserDisabledAndNoFiletypeSupport_test(
- ycm, post_vim_message, *args ):
- diagnostics = [
- {
- 'kind': 'ERROR',
- 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
- 'location': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1
- },
- 'location_extent': {
- 'start': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1,
- },
- 'end': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1,
- }
- },
- 'ranges': []
- },
- ]
- current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- contents = [ 'current' ] * 10,
- number = 1 )
- buffers = [ current_buffer ]
- windows = [ current_buffer ]
- # Register each buffer internally with YCM
- for current in buffers:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, [ current ] ):
- ycm.OnFileReadyToParse()
- with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.SetLocationListForWindow',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as set_location_list_for_window:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, windows ):
- ycm.UpdateWithNewDiagnosticsForFile( '/current', diagnostics )
- post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [] )
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [] )
- assert_that(
- empty()
- )
-@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
- 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
- 'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
@@ -1067,14 +940,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_SingleFile_test( ycm,
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
-@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.'
- 'DiagnosticUiSupportedForCurrentFiletype',
- return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_PerFile_test( ycm,
@@ -1270,9 +1137,6 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_ServerNotReady_test( ycm, *args ):
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._ValidateResponseObject', return_value = True )
@@ -1319,9 +1183,6 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_DontRetry_test( ycm,
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._ValidateResponseObject', return_value = True )
@@ -1355,9 +1216,6 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_Exception_test( ycm,
-@patch.object( ycm_module,
- [ 'ycmtest' ] )
@patch( 'ycm.youcompleteme.YouCompleteMe.FiletypeCompleterExistsForFiletype',
return_value = True )
@patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._ValidateResponseObject', return_value = True )