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Support filtering on level/kind

dhleong 8 anos atrás

+ 17 - 3

@@ -86,10 +86,24 @@ def _Not( fn ):
 def _CompileRegex( raw_regex ):
   pattern = re.compile( raw_regex, re.IGNORECASE )
-  def Filter( diagnostic ):
+  def FilterRegex( diagnostic ):
     return diagnostic[ 'text' ] ) is not None
-  return Filter
+  return FilterRegex
-FILTER_COMPILERS  = { 'regex'      : _CompileRegex }
+def _CompileLevel( level ):
+  # valid kinds are WARNING and ERROR; 
+  #  expected input levels are `warnings` and `errors`
+  # NB: we don't validate the input...
+  expected_kind = level.upper()[:-1]
+  def FilterLevel( diagnostic ):
+    print( diagnostic, 'matches?', expected_kind )
+    return diagnostic[ 'kind' ] == expected_kind
+  return FilterLevel
+FILTER_COMPILERS  = { 'regex'      : _CompileRegex,
+                      'level'      : _CompileLevel }

+ 27 - 3

@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to
 from ycm.diagnostic_filter import DiagnosticFilter
-def _assert_accept_equals( filter, text, expected ):
-  assert_that( filter.Accept( { 'text': text } ), equal_to( expected ) )
+def _assert_accept_equals( filter, text_or_obj, expected ):
+  if type( text_or_obj ) is not type( {} ):
+    text_or_obj = { 'text': text_or_obj }
+  assert_that( filter.Accept( text_or_obj ), equal_to( expected ) )
 def _assert_accepts( filter, text ):
   _assert_accept_equals( filter, text, True )
@@ -95,9 +98,30 @@ class ListOrSingle_test():
 def Invert_test():
-    opts = { 'quiet_messages' : { '!regex': [ 'taco' ] } }
+    opts = { 'quiet_messages' : { '!regex': 'taco' } }
     f = DiagnosticFilter.from_filetype( opts, [ 'java' ] )
     _assert_accepts( f, 'This is a Taco' )
     _assert_rejects( f, 'This is a Burrito' )
+class Level_test():
+  def Level_warnings_test( self ):
+    opts = { 'quiet_messages' : { 'level': 'warnings' } }
+    f = DiagnosticFilter.from_filetype( opts, [ 'java' ] )
+    _assert_rejects( f, { 'text': 'This is an unimportant taco', 
+                          'kind': 'WARNING' } )
+    _assert_accepts( f, { 'text': 'This taco will be shown', 
+                          'kind': 'ERROR' } )
+  def Level_errors_test( self ):
+    opts = { 'quiet_messages' : { 'level': 'errors' } }
+    f = DiagnosticFilter.from_filetype( opts, [ 'java' ] )
+    _assert_accepts( f, { 'text': 'This is an IMPORTANT taco', 
+                          'kind': 'WARNING' } )
+    _assert_rejects( f, { 'text': 'This taco will NOT be shown', 
+                          'kind': 'ERROR' } )