@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let s:cursor_moved = 0
let s:moved_vertically_in_insert_mode = 0
let s:previous_num_chars_on_current_line = -1
-let s:forced_syntastic_checker_for = {
+let s:diagnostic_ui_filetypes = {
\ 'cpp': 1,
\ 'c': 1,
\ 'objc': 1,
@@ -70,10 +70,12 @@ function! youcompleteme#Enable()
call s:SetUpCompleteopt()
call s:SetUpKeyMappings()
- if g:ycm_register_as_syntastic_checker
- call s:TweakSyntasticOptions()
+ if g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui
+ call s:TurnOffSyntasticForCFamily()
+ call s:SetUpSigns()
if g:ycm_allow_changing_updatetime
set ut=2000
@@ -157,6 +159,41 @@ function! s:SetUpKeyMappings()
+function! s:SetUpSigns()
+ " We try to ensure backwards compatibility with Syntastic if the user has
+ " already defined styling for Syntastic highlight groups.
+ if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorSign' )
+ if hlexists( 'SyntasticErrorSign')
+ highlight link YcmErrorSign SyntasticErrorSign
+ else
+ highlight link YcmErrorSign error
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningSign' )
+ if hlexists( 'SyntasticWarningSign')
+ highlight link YcmWarningSign SyntasticWarningSign
+ else
+ highlight link YcmWarningSign todo
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !hlexists( 'YcmErrorLine' )
+ highlight link YcmErrorLine SyntasticErrorLine
+ endif
+ if !hlexists( 'YcmWarningLine' )
+ highlight link YcmWarningLine SyntasticWarningLine
+ endif
+ exe 'sign define YcmError text=' . g:ycm_error_symbol .
+ \ ' texthl=YcmErrorSign linehl=YcmErrorLine'
+ exe 'sign define YcmWarning text=' . g:ycm_warning_symbol .
+ \ ' texthl=YcmWarningSign linehl=YcmWarningLine'
function! s:SetUpBackwardsCompatibility()
let complete_in_comments_and_strings =
\ get( g:, 'ycm_complete_in_comments_and_strings', 0 )
@@ -173,38 +210,17 @@ function! s:SetUpBackwardsCompatibility()
-function! s:TweakSyntasticOptions()
- call s:ForceCFamilyFiletypesSyntasticPassiveMode()
- call s:ForceSyntasticCFamilyChecker()
- " We set this to work around segfaults in old versions of Vim
- " See here for details: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/issues/834
- let g:syntastic_delayed_redraws = 1
+" Needed so that YCM is used instead of Syntastic
+function! s:TurnOffSyntasticForCFamily()
+ let g:syntastic_cpp_checkers = []
+ let g:syntastic_c_checkers = []
+ let g:syntastic_objc_checkers = []
+ let g:syntastic_objcpp_checkers = []
-" Needed so that YCM is used as the syntastic checker
-function! s:ForceSyntasticCFamilyChecker()
- let g:syntastic_cpp_checkers = ['ycm']
- let g:syntastic_c_checkers = ['ycm']
- let g:syntastic_objc_checkers = ['ycm']
- let g:syntastic_objcpp_checkers = ['ycm']
-" Needed so that Syntastic doesn't call :SyntasticCheck (and thus YCM code) on
-" file save unnecessarily. We call :SyntasticCheck ourselves often enough.
-function! s:ForceCFamilyFiletypesSyntasticPassiveMode()
- let mode_map = get( g:, 'syntastic_mode_map', {} )
- let mode_map.passive_filetypes = get( mode_map, 'passive_filetypes', [] ) +
- \ ['cpp', 'c', 'objc', 'objcpp']
- let g:syntastic_mode_map = mode_map
-function! s:ForcedAsSyntasticCheckerForCurrentFiletype()
- return g:ycm_register_as_syntastic_checker &&
- \ get( s:forced_syntastic_checker_for, &filetype, 0 )
+function! s:DiagnosticUiSupportedForCurrentFiletype()
+ return get( s:diagnostic_ui_filetypes, &filetype, 0 )
@@ -464,18 +480,15 @@ endfunction
function! s:UpdateDiagnosticNotifications()
- let should_display_diagnostics =
- \ get( g:, 'loaded_syntastic_plugin', 0 ) &&
- \ s:ForcedAsSyntasticCheckerForCurrentFiletype() &&
+ let should_display_diagnostics = g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui &&
+ \ s:DiagnosticUiSupportedForCurrentFiletype() &&
\ pyeval( 'ycm_state.NativeFiletypeCompletionUsable()' )
if !should_display_diagnostics
- if pyeval( 'ycm_state.DiagnosticsForCurrentFileReady()' )
- SyntasticCheck
- endif
+ py ycm_state.UpdateDiagnosticInterface()
@@ -639,14 +652,6 @@ endfunction
command! YcmShowDetailedDiagnostic call s:ShowDetailedDiagnostic()
-" This is what Syntastic calls indirectly when it decides an auto-check is
-" required (currently that's on buffer save) OR when the SyntasticCheck command
-" is invoked
-function! youcompleteme#CurrentFileDiagnostics()
- return pyeval( 'ycm_state.GetDiagnosticsFromStoredRequest()' )
function! s:DebugInfo()
echom "Printing YouCompleteMe debug information..."
let debug_info = pyeval( 'ycm_state.DebugInfo()' )