@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ from hamcrest import ( assert_that, contains, empty, equal_to, is_in, is_not,
matches_regexp )
from mock import call, MagicMock, patch
-from ycm.tests import StopServer, test_utils, YouCompleteMeInstance
+from ycm.paths import _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild
+from ycm.youcompleteme import YouCompleteMe
+from ycm.tests import ( MakeUserOptions, StopServer, test_utils,
+ WaitUntilReady, YouCompleteMeInstance )
from ycm.client.base_request import _LoadExtraConfFile
from ycmd.responses import ServerError
@@ -42,6 +45,60 @@ def YouCompleteMe_YcmCoreNotImported_test( ycm ):
assert_that( 'ycm_core', is_not( is_in( sys.modules ) ) )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage' )
+def YouCompleteMe_InvalidPythonInterpreterPath_test( post_vim_message ):
+ try:
+ with patch( 'ycm.tests.test_utils.server_python_interpreter',
+ '/invalid/path/to/python' ):
+ ycm = YouCompleteMe( MakeUserOptions() )
+ assert_that( ycm.IsServerAlive(), equal_to( False ) )
+ post_vim_message.assert_called_once_with(
+ "Unable to start the ycmd server. "
+ "Path in 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option does not point "
+ "to a valid Python 2.6+ or 3.3+. "
+ "Correct the error then restart the server with ':YcmRestartServer'." )
+ post_vim_message.reset_mock()
+ with patch( 'ycm.tests.test_utils.server_python_interpreter',
+ _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild() ):
+ ycm.RestartServer()
+ assert_that( ycm.IsServerAlive(), equal_to( True ) )
+ post_vim_message.assert_called_once_with( 'Restarting ycmd server...' )
+ finally:
+ WaitUntilReady()
+ StopServer( ycm )
+@patch( 'ycmd.utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable', return_value = None )
+@patch( 'ycm.paths._EndsWithPython', return_value = False )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage' )
+def YouCompleteMe_NoPythonInterpreterFound_test( post_vim_message, *args ):
+ try:
+ with patch( 'ycmd.utils.ReadFile', side_effect = IOError ):
+ ycm = YouCompleteMe( MakeUserOptions() )
+ assert_that( ycm.IsServerAlive(), equal_to( False ) )
+ post_vim_message.assert_called_once_with(
+ "Unable to start the ycmd server. Cannot find Python 2.6+ or 3.3+. "
+ "Set the 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option to a Python "
+ "interpreter path. "
+ "Correct the error then restart the server with ':YcmRestartServer'." )
+ post_vim_message.reset_mock()
+ with patch( 'ycm.tests.test_utils.server_python_interpreter',
+ _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild() ):
+ ycm.RestartServer()
+ assert_that( ycm.IsServerAlive(), equal_to( True ) )
+ post_vim_message.assert_called_once_with( 'Restarting ycmd server...' )
+ finally:
+ WaitUntilReady()
+ StopServer( ycm )
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
def RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( ycm, test, post_vim_message ):
@@ -271,7 +328,6 @@ def YouCompleteMe_GetDefinedSubcommands_ErrorFromServer_test( ycm,
assert_that( result, empty() )
@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
def YouCompleteMe_ShowDetailedDiagnostic_MessageFromServer_test(