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Update contributing guide

Along with a few minor changes:

- Make a note about "me too" posts and what to do if you do find similar issues
- Re-iterate the 3 pieces required for a bug report
- Break the text into sections
Ben Jackson 5 years ago
1 changed files with 53 additions and 8 deletions
  1. 53 8

+ 53 - 8

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-Writing good issue reports
+Writing issue reports
+### Bugs and features only
 First things first: **the issue tracker is NOT for tech support**. It is for
 reporting bugs and requesting features. If your issue amounts to "I can't get
@@ -7,9 +9,15 @@ YCM to work on my machine" and the reason why is obviously related to your
 machine configuration and the problem would not be resolved with _reasonable_
 changes to the YCM codebase, then the issue is likely to be closed.
+### Where to go for help
 **A good place to ask questions is the [Gitter room][gitter] or the
 [ycm-users][] Google group**. Rule of thumb: if you're not sure whether your
-problem is a real bug, ask on the room or the group.
+problem is a real bug, ask on the room or the group. 
+Don't go to `#vim` on freenode for support. See the [readme][] for further help.
+### Installation problem - read the docs
 **YCM compiles just fine**; [the build bots say so][build-bots]. If the bots are
 green and YCM doesn't compile on your machine, then _your machine is the root
@@ -25,16 +33,42 @@ This leads us to point #2: **make sure you have checked the docs before
 reporting an issue**. The docs are extensive and cover a ton of things; there's
 also an FAQ at the bottom that quite possibly addresses your problem.
+For installation problems, make sure that any issue report includes the entire
+output of any build or installation commands, including **the command used to
+run them**.
+### Other problems - check the issue tracker
 Further, **search the issue tracker for similar issues** before creating a new
 one. There's no point in duplication; if an existing issue addresses your
-problem, please comment there instead of creating a duplicate.
+problem, please comment there instead of creating a duplicate. However, if the
+issue you found is **closed as resolved** (e.g. with a PR or the original user's
+problem was resolved), raise a **new issue**, because you've found a new
+problem. Reference the original issue if you think that's useful information.
+If you do find a similar open issue, **don't just post 'me too' or similar**
+responses. This almost never helps resolve the issue, and just causes noise for
+the maintainers. Only post if it will aid the maintainers in solving the issue;
+if there are existing diagnostics requested in the thread, perform
+them and post the results.
+When replying, follow the instructions for getting the required diagnostics for
+posting a new issue (see below), and add them to your response. This is likely
+to help the maintainers find a fix for you, rather than have them spend time
+requesting them again. To be clear, the maintainers *always* need the
+diagnostics (debug info, log files, versions, etc.) even for responses on
+existing issues.
 You should also **search the archives of the [ycm-users][] mailing list**.
+### Check your YCM version
 Lastly, **make sure you are running the latest version of YCM**. The issue you
 have encountered may have already been fixed. **Don't forget to recompile too** (usually by just running `` again).
+## Creating an issue 
 OK, so we've reached this far. You need to create an issue. First realize that
 the time it takes to fix your issue is a multiple of how long it takes the
 developer to reproduce it. The easier it is to reproduce, the quicker it'll be
@@ -42,10 +76,20 @@ fixed.
 Here are the things you should do when creating an issue:
+1. Most importantly, **read and complete the issue template**. The maintainers
+   rely on the style and structure of the issue template to quickly resolve your
+   issue. If you don't complete it in full, then the maintainers may elect to
+   ignore or simply close your issue. This isn't personal, it's just that they
+   are busy too.
 1. **Write a step-by-step procedure that when performed repeatedly reproduces
    your issue.** If we can't reproduce the issue, then we can't fix it. It's
    that simple.
-2. Add the output of [the `:YcmDebugInfo` command][ycm-debug-info-command].
+2. Explain **what you expected to happen**, and **what actually happened**.
+   This helps us understand if it is a bug, or just a misunderstanding of the
+   behavior.
+2. Add the output of [the `:YcmDebugInfo` command][ycm-debug-info-command]. Make
+   sure that when you run this, your cursor is in the file that is experiencing
+   the issue.
 3. Put the following options in your vimrc:
    let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 1
@@ -109,8 +153,9 @@ Creating good pull requests
     change is known. _What goal is your change trying to accomplish?_