@@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ class VimBuffer:
- |filetype| : buffer filetype. Empty string if no filetype is set;
- |modified| : True if the buffer has unsaved changes, False otherwise;
- |bufhidden|: value of the 'bufhidden' option (see :h bufhidden);
+ - |vars|: dict for buffer-local variables
- |omnifunc| : omni completion function used by the buffer. Must be a Python
function that takes the same arguments and returns the same
values as a Vim completion function (:h complete-functions).
@@ -411,7 +412,8 @@ class VimBuffer:
bufhidden = '',
omnifunc = None,
visual_start = None,
- visual_end = None ):
+ visual_end = None,
+ vars = {} ):
self.name = os.path.realpath( name ) if name else ''
self.number = number
self.contents = contents
@@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ class VimBuffer:
self.visual_start = visual_start
self.visual_end = visual_end
+ self.vars = vars # should really be a vim-specific dict-like obj
def __getitem__( self, index ):