
Correct go docs

Ben Jackson 4 年之前
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+ 3 - 3

@@ -1329,8 +1329,8 @@ built YCM with the `--go-completer` flag; see the [*Installation*
 section](#installation) for details). The server only works for projects with
 the "canonical" layout.
-While YCM can configure [a LSP server](#lsp-configuration), currently `gopls`
-doesn't implement [the required notification][gopls-preferences].
+gopls also has a handful of undocumented options for which the
+[source code][gopls-preferences] is the only reference.
 ### JavaScript and TypeScript Semantic Completion
@@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ This software is licensed under the [GPL v3 license][gpl].
 [Bear]: https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear
 [ygen]: https://github.com/rdnetto/YCM-Generator
 [Gopls]: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/gopls
-[gopls-preferences]: https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/internal/lsp/server.go#L120
+[gopls-preferences]: https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/internal/lsp/server.go
 [TSServer]: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/tree/master/src/server
 [jsconfig.json]: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/jsconfig
 [tsconfig.json]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1513,8 +1513,8 @@ Completions and GoTo commands should work out of the box (provided that you
 built YCM with the '--go-completer' flag; see the _Installation_ section for
 details). The server only works for projects with the "canonical" layout.
-While YCM can configure a LSP server, currently 'gopls' doesn't implement the
-required notification [63].
+gopls also has a handful of undocumented options for which the source code [63]
+is the only reference.
@@ -3601,7 +3601,7 @@ References ~
 [60] https://github.com/rust-lang/rls
 [61] https://www.rust-lang.org/downloads.html
 [62] https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/master/crates/rust-analyzer/src/config.rs
-[63] https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/internal/lsp/server.go#L120
+[63] https://github.com/golang/tools/blob/master/internal/lsp/server.go
 [64] https://ternjs.net
 [65] https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe/wiki/JavaScript-Semantic-Completion-through-Tern
 [66] https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/jsconfig