@@ -131,38 +131,38 @@ endfunction
function! s:SetUpPython() abort
python << EOF
+import os
import sys
+import traceback
import vim
-import os
-import subprocess
+# Add python sources folder to the system path.
script_folder = vim.eval( 's:script_folder_path' )
-sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( script_folder, '../python' ) )
-sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( script_folder, '../third_party/ycmd' ) )
-from ycmd import server_utils
-server_utils.AddNearestThirdPartyFoldersToSysPath( script_folder )
-# We need to import ycmd's third_party folders as well since we import and
-# use ycmd code in the client.
-server_utils.AddNearestThirdPartyFoldersToSysPath( server_utils.__file__ )
-from ycmd import utils
-from ycm import base
-from ycmd import user_options_store
-user_options_store.SetAll( base.BuildServerConf() )
-from ycm import paths, vimsupport
-popen_args = [ paths.PathToPythonInterpreter(),
- paths.PathToCheckCoreVersion() ]
-if utils.SafePopen( popen_args ).wait() == 2:
- vimsupport.PostVimMessage(
- 'YouCompleteMe unavailable: YCM support libs too old, PLEASE RECOMPILE' )
- vim.command( 'return 0' )
+sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( script_folder, '..', 'python' ) )
+from ycm.setup import SetUpSystemPaths, SetUpYCM
-from ycm.youcompleteme import YouCompleteMe
-ycm_state = YouCompleteMe( user_options_store.GetAll() )
-vim.command( 'return 1' )
+# We enclose this code in a try/except block to avoid backtraces in Vim.
+ SetUpSystemPaths()
+ # Import the modules used in this file.
+ from ycm import base, vimsupport
+ ycm_state = SetUpYCM()
+except Exception as error:
+ # We don't use PostVimMessage or EchoText from the vimsupport module because
+ # importing this module may fail.
+ vim.command( 'redraw | echohl WarningMsg' )
+ for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines():
+ vim.command( "echom '{0}'".format( line.replace( "'", "''" ) ) )
+ vim.command( "echo 'YouCompleteMe unavailable: {0}'"
+ .format( str( error ).replace( "'", "''" ) ) )
+ vim.command( 'echohl None' )
+ vim.command( 'return 0' )
+ vim.command( 'return 1' )