فهرست منبع

Handle null characters in completion response

The completion info field may contain null characters e.g. \x00 in
Python docstrings. These characters cannot be evaluated so they are
Rewrite the function that convert ycmd completion to Vim completion.
micbou 6 سال پیش
3فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه80 افزوده شده و 65 حذف شده
  1. 34 40
  2. 32 15
  3. 14 10

+ 34 - 40

@@ -187,49 +187,43 @@ def _FilterToMatchingCompletions( completed_item, completions ):
   return matched_completions
+def _GetCompletionInfoField( completion_data ):
+  info = completion_data.get( 'detailed_info', '' )
+  if 'extra_data' in completion_data:
+    docstring = completion_data[ 'extra_data' ].get( 'doc_string', '' )
+    if docstring:
+      if info:
+        info += '\n' + docstring
+      else:
+        info = docstring
+  # This field may contain null characters e.g. \x00 in Python docstrings. Vim
+  # cannot evaluate such characters so they are removed.
+  return info.replace( '\x00', '' )
 def _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( completion_identifier, completion_data ):
-  # see :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields
-  vim_data = {
-    'word'  : '',
-    'dup'   : 1,
-    'empty' : 1,
+  # See :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields.
+  return {
+    'word'     : completion_data[ 'insertion_text' ],
+    'abbr'     : completion_data.get( 'menu_text', '' ),
+    'menu'     : completion_data.get( 'extra_menu_info', '' ),
+    'info'     : _GetCompletionInfoField( completion_data ),
+    'kind'     : ToUnicode( completion_data.get( 'kind', '' ) )[ :1 ].lower(),
+    'dup'      : 1,
+    'empty'    : 1,
+    # We store the completion item index as a string in the completion
+    # user_data. This allows us to identify the _exact_ item that was completed
+    # in the CompleteDone handler, by inspecting this item from v:completed_item
+    #
+    # We convert to string because completion user data items must be strings.
+    #
+    # Note: Not all versions of Vim support this (added in 8.0.1483), but adding
+    # the item to the dictionary is harmless in earlier Vims.
+    'user_data': str( completion_identifier )
-  if ( 'extra_data' in completion_data and
-       'doc_string' in completion_data[ 'extra_data' ] ):
-    doc_string = completion_data[ 'extra_data' ][ 'doc_string' ]
-  else:
-    doc_string = ""
-  if 'insertion_text' in completion_data:
-    vim_data[ 'word' ] = completion_data[ 'insertion_text' ]
-  if 'menu_text' in completion_data:
-    vim_data[ 'abbr' ] = completion_data[ 'menu_text' ]
-  if 'extra_menu_info' in completion_data:
-    vim_data[ 'menu' ] = completion_data[ 'extra_menu_info' ]
-  if 'kind' in completion_data:
-    kind = ToUnicode( completion_data[ 'kind' ] )
-    if kind:
-      vim_data[ 'kind' ] = kind[ 0 ].lower()
-  if 'detailed_info' in completion_data:
-    vim_data[ 'info' ] = completion_data[ 'detailed_info' ]
-    if doc_string:
-      vim_data[ 'info' ] += '\n' + doc_string
-  elif doc_string:
-    vim_data[ 'info' ] = doc_string
-  # We store the completion item index as a string in the completion user_data.
-  # This allows us to identify the _exact_ item that was completed in the
-  # CompleteDone handler, by inspecting this item from v:completed_item
-  #
-  # We convert to string because completion user data items must be strings.
-  #
-  # Note: Not all versions of Vim support this (added in 8.0.1483), but adding
-  # the item to the dictionary is harmless in earlier Vims.
-  vim_data[ 'user_data' ] = str( completion_identifier )
-  return vim_data
 def _ConvertCompletionDatasToVimDatas( response_data ):
   return [ _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( i, x )

+ 32 - 15

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
-  def All_Fields_test( self ):
+  def AllFields_test( self ):
     self._Check( 0, {
       'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
@@ -70,7 +70,22 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
     } )
-  def Just_Detailed_Info_test( self ):
+  def OnlyInsertionTextField_test( self ):
+    self._Check( 17, {
+      'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT'
+    }, {
+      'word'     : 'INSERTION TEXT',
+      'abbr'     : '',
+      'menu'     : '',
+      'kind'     : '',
+      'info'     : '',
+      'dup'      : 1,
+      'empty'    : 1,
+      'user_data': '17',
+    } )
+  def JustDetailedInfo_test( self ):
     self._Check( 9999999999, {
       'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
@@ -89,7 +104,7 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
     } )
-  def Just_Doc_String_test( self ):
+  def JustDocString_test( self ):
     self._Check( 'not_an_int', {
       'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
@@ -110,7 +125,7 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
     } )
-  def Extra_Info_No_Doc_String_test( self ):
+  def ExtraInfoNoDocString_test( self ):
     self._Check( 0, {
       'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
@@ -123,57 +138,59 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
       'abbr'     : 'MENU TEXT',
       'menu'     : 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind'     : 'k',
+      'info'     : '',
       'dup'      : 1,
       'empty'    : 1,
       'user_data': '0',
     } )
-  def Extra_Info_No_Doc_String_With_Detailed_Info_test( self ):
+  def NullCharactersInExtraInfoAndDocString_test( self ):
     self._Check( '0', {
       'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
       'extra_menu_info': 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind':            'K',
-      'detailed_info':   'DETAILED INFO',
+      'detailed_info':   'DETAILED\x00INFO',
       'extra_data': {
+        'doc_string': 'DOC\x00STRING'
     }, {
       'word'     : 'INSERTION TEXT',
       'abbr'     : 'MENU TEXT',
       'menu'     : 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind'     : 'k',
-      'info'     : 'DETAILED INFO',
+      'info'     : 'DETAILEDINFO\nDOCSTRING',
       'dup'      : 1,
       'empty'    : 1,
       'user_data': '0',
     } )
-  def Empty_Insertion_Text_test( self ):
-    self._Check( 0, {
-      'insertion_text':  '',
+  def ExtraInfoNoDocStringWithDetailedInfo_test( self ):
+    self._Check( '0', {
+      'insertion_text':  'INSERTION TEXT',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
       'extra_menu_info': 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind':            'K',
       'detailed_info':   'DETAILED INFO',
       'extra_data': {
-        'doc_string':    'DOC STRING',
     }, {
-      'word'     : '',
+      'word'     : 'INSERTION TEXT',
       'abbr'     : 'MENU TEXT',
       'menu'     : 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind'     : 'k',
-      'info'     : 'DETAILED INFO\nDOC STRING',
+      'info'     : 'DETAILED INFO',
       'dup'      : 1,
       'empty'    : 1,
       'user_data': '0',
     } )
-  def No_Insertion_Text_test( self ):
+  def EmptyInsertionText_test( self ):
     self._Check( 0, {
+      'insertion_text':  '',
       'menu_text':       'MENU TEXT',
       'extra_menu_info': 'EXTRA MENU INFO',
       'kind':            'K',
@@ -189,5 +206,5 @@ class ConvertCompletionResponseToVimDatas_test( object ):
       'info'     : 'DETAILED INFO\nDOC STRING',
       'dup'      : 1,
       'empty'    : 1,
-      'user_data': '0'
+      'user_data': '0',
     } )

+ 14 - 10

@@ -66,18 +66,22 @@ def BuildCompletion( insertion_text = 'Test',
                      detailed_info = None,
                      kind = None,
                      extra_data = None ):
-  if extra_data is None:
-    extra_data = {}
-  return {
-    'extra_data': extra_data,
-    'insertion_text': insertion_text,
-    'menu_text': menu_text,
-    'extra_menu_info': extra_menu_info,
-    'kind': kind,
-    'detailed_info': detailed_info,
+  completion = {
+    'insertion_text': insertion_text
+  if extra_menu_info:
+    completion[ 'extra_menu_info' ] = extra_menu_info
+  if menu_text:
+    completion[ 'menu_text' ] = menu_text
+  if detailed_info:
+    completion[ 'detailed_info' ] = detailed_info
+  if kind:
+    completion[ 'kind' ] = kind
+  if extra_data:
+    completion[ 'extra_data' ] = extra_data
+  return completion
 def BuildCompletionNamespace( namespace = None,
                               insertion_text = 'Test',