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Auto merge of #2430 - micbou:client-logfile, r=Valloric

[READY] Add client logfile

We have a lot of issue reports with Python exceptions that interrupt user workflow or even worse make the editor unusable and force users to restart it (e.g. issue We really want to avoid that but at the same time we can't just silence these exceptions because they are useful to debug the issue. Logging them to Vim `:messages` is not practical because we can't write to it without displaying messages in the status line which, in addition to distract users, may lead to various issues like the infamous `Press ENTER or type command to continue` message. This is why a logfile is needed.

For now, only server crashes are logged but more logging will be added: connection issues with the server (`ConnectTimeout`, `ReadTimeout`, etc. exceptions), UltiSnips unavailability, requests sent to the server, etc.

The behavior of the `:YcmToggleLogs` command is changed to accept multiple arguments where each argument is a logfile name. Each of these files is opened in a separate window or closed if already open. When no argument is given, the list of available logfiles is displayed to the user. Example:
Available logfiles are:

With this change and PR #2342, we will add the completers logfiles to the list of files that can be opened with the `:YcmToggleLogs` command.

A bunch of tests are added that cover almost all changes introduced by this PR.

<!-- Reviewable:start -->

This change is [<img src="" height="34" align="absmiddle" alt="Reviewable"/>](
<!-- Reviewable:end -->
Homu 8 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
 - [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included the output of `vim --version`.
 - [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included the output of `:YcmDebugInfo`.
-- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included the output of
-  `:YcmToggleLogs stderr`.
+- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have attached the contents of the logfiles using
+  the `:YcmToggleLogs` command.
 - [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included which OS (including specific OS
   version) I am using.
 - [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included a minimal test case that reproduces

+ 9 - 7

@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ Here are the things you should do when creating an issue:
 1. **Write a step-by-step procedure that when performed repeatedly reproduces
    your issue.** If we can't reproduce the issue, then we can't fix it. It's
    that simple.
-2. Put the following options in your vimrc:
+2. Add the output of [the `:YcmDebugInfo` command][ycm-debug-info-command].
+3. Put the following options in your vimrc:
-   let g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles = 1
-   let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'debug'
+   let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 1
+   let g:ycm_log_level = 'debug'
-   Run `:YcmToggleLogs stderr` in vim to open the logfile. Attach the contents
-   of this file to your issue.
-3. Add the output of the `:YcmDebugInfo` command.
+   Reproduce your issue and attach the contents of the logfiles. Use [the
+   `:YcmToggleLogs` command][ycm-toggle-logs-command] to directly open them in
+   Vim.
 4. **Create a test case for your issue**. This is critical. Don't talk about how
    "when I have X in my file" or similar, _create a file with X in it_ and put
    the contents inside code blocks in your issue description. Try to make this
@@ -112,3 +112,5 @@ Creating good pull requests

+ 16 - 18

@@ -1152,12 +1152,9 @@ completion engine.
 ### The `:YcmToggleLogs` command
-This command automatically opens in windows the stdout and stderr logfiles
-written by the [ycmd server][ycmd]. If one or both logfiles are already opened,
-they are automatically closed. `stderr` or `stdout` can be specified as an
-argument of this command to only open the corresponding logfile instead of both.
-If this logfile is already opened, it will be closed. Only for debugging
+This command opens in separate windows the logfiles given as arguments or closes
+them if they are already open in the editor. When no argument is given, list the
+available logfiles. Only for debugging purpose.
 ### The `:YcmCompleter` command
@@ -2022,23 +2019,24 @@ Default: `''`
 let g:ycm_server_python_interpreter = ''
-### The `g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles` option
+### The `g:ycm_keep_logfiles` option
-When this option is set to `1`, the [ycmd completion server][ycmd] will keep the
-logfiles around after shutting down (they are deleted on shutdown by default).
+When this option is set to `1`, YCM and the [ycmd completion server][ycmd] will
+keep the logfiles around after shutting down (they are deleted on shutdown by
 To see where the logfiles are, call `:YcmDebugInfo`.
 Default: `0`
-let g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles = 0
+let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 0
-### The `g:ycm_server_log_level` option
+### The `g:ycm_log_level` option
-The logging level that the [ycmd completion server][ycmd] uses. Valid values are
-the following, from most verbose to least verbose:
+The logging level that YCM and the [ycmd completion server][ycmd] use. Valid
+values are the following, from most verbose to least verbose:
 - `debug`
 - `info`
 - `warning`
@@ -2050,7 +2048,7 @@ Note that `debug` is _very_ verbose.
 Default: `info`
-let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'info'
+let g:ycm_log_level = 'info'
 ### The `g:ycm_auto_start_csharp_server` option
@@ -2499,10 +2497,10 @@ the message log if it encounters problems. It's likely you misconfigured
 something and YCM is complaining about it.
 Also, you may want to run the `:YcmDebugInfo` command; it will make YCM spew out
-various debugging information, including the [ycmd][] logfile paths and the
-compile flags for the current file if the file is a C-family language file and
-you have compiled in Clang support. Logfiles can be automatically opened in the
-editor using the `:YcmToggleLogs` command.
+various debugging information, including the YCM and [ycmd][] logfile paths and
+the compile flags for the current file if the file is a C-family language file
+and you have compiled in Clang support. Logfiles can be opened in the editor
+using [the `:YcmToggleLogs` command](#the-ycmtogglelogs-command).
 ### Sometimes it takes much longer to get semantic completions than normal

+ 5 - 9

@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ function! s:SetUpCommands()
   command! YcmRestartServer call s:RestartServer()
   command! YcmShowDetailedDiagnostic call s:ShowDetailedDiagnostic()
   command! YcmDebugInfo call s:DebugInfo()
-  command! -nargs=? -complete=custom,youcompleteme#LogsComplete
+  command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,youcompleteme#LogsComplete
     \ YcmToggleLogs call s:ToggleLogs(<f-args>)
   command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,youcompleteme#SubCommandsComplete
     \ YcmCompleter call s:CompleterCommand(<f-args>)
@@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ function! s:OnBufferReadPre(filename)
 function! s:OnBufferRead()
   " We need to do this even when we are not allowed to complete in the current
   " buffer because we might be allowed to complete in the future! The canonical
@@ -787,11 +788,7 @@ endfunction
 function! s:ToggleLogs(...)
-  let stderr = a:0 == 0 || a:1 !=? 'stdout'
-  let stdout = a:0 == 0 || a:1 !=? 'stderr'
-  exec s:python_command "ycm_state.ToggleLogs("
-        \ "stdout = vimsupport.GetBoolValue( 'l:stdout' ),"
-        \ "stderr = vimsupport.GetBoolValue( 'l:stderr' ) )"
+  exec s:python_command "ycm_state.ToggleLogs( *vim.eval( 'a:000' ) )"
@@ -827,13 +824,12 @@ endfunction
 function! youcompleteme#LogsComplete( arglead, cmdline, cursorpos )
-  return "stdout\nstderr"
+  return join( s:Pyeval( 'list( ycm_state.GetLogfiles() )' ), "\n" )
 function! youcompleteme#SubCommandsComplete( arglead, cmdline, cursorpos )
-  return join( s:Pyeval( 'ycm_state.GetDefinedSubcommands()' ),
-    \ "\n")
+  return join( s:Pyeval( 'ycm_state.GetDefinedSubcommands()' ), "\n" )

+ 18 - 20

@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ Contents ~
   21. The |g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax| option
   22. The |g:ycm_extra_conf_vim_data| option
   23. The |g:ycm_server_python_interpreter| option
-  24. The |g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles| option
-  25. The |g:ycm_server_log_level| option
+  24. The |g:ycm_keep_logfiles| option
+  25. The |g:ycm_log_level| option
   26. The |g:ycm_auto_start_csharp_server| option
   27. The |g:ycm_auto_stop_csharp_server| option
   28. The |g:ycm_csharp_server_port| option
@@ -1418,12 +1418,9 @@ semantic completion engine.
 The *:YcmToggleLogs* command
-This command automatically opens in windows the stdout and stderr logfiles
-written by the ycmd server [43]. If one or both logfiles are already opened,
-they are automatically closed. 'stderr' or 'stdout' can be specified as an
-argument of this command to only open the corresponding logfile instead of
-both. If this logfile is already opened, it will be closed. Only for debugging
+This command opens in separate windows the logfiles given as arguments or
+closes them if they are already open in the editor. When no argument is given,
+list the available logfiles. Only for debugging purpose.
 The *:YcmCompleter* command
@@ -2285,29 +2282,30 @@ Default: "''"
   let g:ycm_server_python_interpreter = ''
-The *g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles* option
+The *g:ycm_keep_logfiles* option
-When this option is set to '1', the ycmd completion server [43] will keep the
-logfiles around after shutting down (they are deleted on shutdown by default).
+When this option is set to '1', YCM and the ycmd completion server [43] will
+keep the logfiles around after shutting down (they are deleted on shutdown by
 To see where the logfiles are, call |:YcmDebugInfo|.
 Default: '0'
-  let g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles = 0
+  let g:ycm_keep_logfiles = 0
-The *g:ycm_server_log_level* option
+The *g:ycm_log_level* option
-The logging level that the ycmd completion server [43] uses. Valid values are
-the following, from most verbose to least verbose: - 'debug' - 'info' -
-'warning' - 'error' - 'critical'
+The logging level that YCM and the ycmd completion server [43] use. Valid
+values are the following, from most verbose to least verbose: - 'debug' -
+'info' - 'warning' - 'error' - 'critical'
 Note that 'debug' is _very_ verbose.
 Default: 'info'
-  let g:ycm_server_log_level = 'info'
+  let g:ycm_log_level = 'info'
 The *g:ycm_auto_start_csharp_server* option
@@ -2741,9 +2739,9 @@ to the message log if it encounters problems. It's likely you misconfigured
 something and YCM is complaining about it.
 Also, you may want to run the |:YcmDebugInfo| command; it will make YCM spew
-out various debugging information, including the ycmd [43] logfile paths and
-the compile flags for the current file if the file is a C-family language file
-and you have compiled in Clang support. Logfiles can be automatically opened in
+out various debugging information, including the YCM and ycmd [43] logfile
+paths and the compile flags for the current file if the file is a C-family
+language file and you have compiled in Clang support. Logfiles can be opened in
 the editor using the |:YcmToggleLogs| command.

+ 6 - 4

@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@ let g:ycm_key_detailed_diagnostics =
 let g:ycm_cache_omnifunc =
       \ get( g:, 'ycm_cache_omnifunc', 1 )
-let g:ycm_server_log_level =
-      \ get( g:, 'ycm_server_log_level', 'info' )
+let g:ycm_log_level =
+      \ get( g:, 'ycm_log_level',
+      \ get( g:, 'ycm_server_log_level', 'info' ) )
-let g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles =
-      \ get( g:, 'ycm_server_keep_logfiles', 0 )
+let g:ycm_keep_logfiles =
+      \ get( g:, 'ycm_keep_logfiles',
+      \ get( g:, 'ycm_server_keep_logfiles', 0 ) )
 let g:ycm_extra_conf_vim_data =
       \ get( g:, 'ycm_extra_conf_vim_data', [] )

+ 13 - 5

@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ from ycmd.utils import WaitUntilProcessIsTerminated
 # thus are not part of default_options.json, but are required for a working
 # YouCompleteMe object.
-  'server_log_level': 'info',
+  'log_level': 'info',
+  'keep_logfiles': 0,
   'extra_conf_vim_data': [],
   'show_diagnostics_ui': 1,
   'enable_diagnostic_signs': 1,
@@ -80,6 +81,14 @@ def _WaitUntilReady( timeout = 5 ):
       time.sleep( 0.1 )
+def StopServer( ycm ):
+  try:
+    ycm.OnVimLeave()
+    WaitUntilProcessIsTerminated( ycm._server_popen )
+  except Exception:
+    pass
 def YouCompleteMeInstance( custom_options = {} ):
   """Defines a decorator function for tests that passes a unique YouCompleteMe
   instance as a parameter. This instance is initialized with the default options
@@ -92,8 +101,8 @@ def YouCompleteMeInstance( custom_options = {} ):
     from ycm.tests import YouCompleteMeInstance
-    @YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'server_log_level': 'debug',
-                              'server_keep_logfiles': 1 } )
+    @YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'log_level': 'debug',
+                              'keep_logfiles': 1 } )
     def Debug_test( ycm ):
@@ -105,7 +114,6 @@ def YouCompleteMeInstance( custom_options = {} ):
         test( ycm, *args, **kwargs )
-        ycm.OnVimLeave()
-        WaitUntilProcessIsTerminated( ycm._server_popen )
+        StopServer( ycm )
     return Wrapper
   return Decorator

+ 2 - 2

@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ def MockVimCommand( command ):
 class VimBuffer( object ):
   """An object that looks like a vim.buffer object:
-   - |name|    : full path of the buffer;
+   - |name|    : full path of the buffer with symbolic links resolved;
    - |number|  : buffer number;
    - |contents|: list of lines representing the buffer contents;
    - |filetype|: buffer filetype. Empty string if no filetype is set;
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class VimBuffer( object ):
                       modified = True,
                       window = None,
                       omnifunc = '' ):
- = name
+ = os.path.realpath( name ) if name else ''
     self.number = number
     self.contents = contents
     self.filetype = filetype

+ 66 - 89

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ MockVimModule()
 from ycm import vimsupport
 from import eq_
-from hamcrest import assert_that, calling, equal_to, has_entry, none, raises
+from hamcrest import assert_that, calling, equal_to, has_entry, raises
 from mock import MagicMock, call, patch
 from ycmd.utils import ToBytes
 import os
@@ -727,13 +727,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_Open_test( vim_command,
                                         variable_exists ):
+  single_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( 'single_file' )
   chunks = [
-    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', 'single_file' )
+    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', single_buffer_name )
   result_buffer = VimBuffer(
-    'single_file',
+    single_buffer_name,
     contents = [
@@ -755,14 +756,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_Open_test( vim_command,
   #    raise a warning)
   #  - once whilst applying the changes
   get_buffer_number_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
   ] )
   # BufferIsVisible is called twice for the same reasons as above
   buffer_is_visible.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 1 ),
-      call( 1 ),
+    call( 1 ),
+    call( 1 ),
   ] )
   # we don't attempt to open any files
@@ -770,25 +771,25 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_Open_test( vim_command,
   # But we do set the quickfix list
   vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'setqflist( {0} )'.format( json.dumps( [ {
-        'bufnr': 1,
-        'filename': 'single_file',
-        'lnum': 1,
-        'col': 1,
-        'text': 'replacement',
-        'type': 'F'
-      } ] ) ) ),
+    call( 'setqflist( {0} )'.format( json.dumps( [ {
+      'bufnr': 1,
+      'filename': single_buffer_name,
+      'lnum': 1,
+      'col': 1,
+      'text': 'replacement',
+      'type': 'F'
+    } ] ) ) ),
   ] )
   vim_command.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'botright copen' ),
-      call( 'silent! wincmd p' )
+    call( 'botright copen' ),
+    call( 'silent! wincmd p' )
   ] )
   # And it is ReplaceChunks that prints the message showing the number of
   # changes
   post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'Applied 1 changes', warning = False ),
+    call( 'Applied 1 changes', warning = False ),
   ] )
@@ -817,13 +818,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_NotOpen_test( vim_command,
                                            variable_exists ):
+  single_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( 'single_file' )
   chunks = [
-    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', 'single_file' )
+    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', single_buffer_name )
   result_buffer = VimBuffer(
-    'single_file',
+    single_buffer_name,
     contents = [
@@ -852,9 +854,9 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_NotOpen_test( vim_command,
   #  - once whilst applying the changes (-1 return)
   #  - finally after calling OpenFilename (1 return)
   get_buffer_number_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
   ] )
   # BufferIsVisible is called 3 times for the same reasons as above, with the
@@ -866,7 +868,7 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_NotOpen_test( vim_command,
   ] )
   # We open 'single_file' as expected.
-  open_filename.assert_called_with( 'single_file', {
+  open_filename.assert_called_with( single_buffer_name, {
     'focus': True,
     'fix': True,
     'size': 10
@@ -886,7 +888,7 @@ def ReplaceChunks_SingleFile_NotOpen_test( vim_command,
     call( '&previewheight' ),
     call( 'setqflist( {0} )'.format( json.dumps( [ {
       'bufnr': 1,
-      'filename': 'single_file',
+      'filename': single_buffer_name,
       'lnum': 1,
       'col': 1,
       'text': 'replacement',
@@ -929,13 +931,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Declines_To_Open_File_test(
   # Same as above, except the user selects Cancel when asked if they should
   # allow us to open lots of (ahem, 1) file.
+  single_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( 'single_file' )
   chunks = [
-    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', 'single_file' )
+    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', single_buffer_name )
   result_buffer = VimBuffer(
-    'single_file',
+    single_buffer_name,
     contents = [
@@ -963,7 +966,7 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Declines_To_Open_File_test(
   #  - once to the check if we would require opening the file (so that we can
   #    raise a warning) (-1 return)
   get_buffer_number_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-      call( 'single_file', False ),
+    call( single_buffer_name, False ),
   ] )
   # BufferIsVisible is called once for the above file, which wasn't visible.
@@ -1009,13 +1012,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Aborts_Opening_File_test(
   # Same as above, except the user selects Abort or Quick during the
   # "swap-file-found" dialog
+  single_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( 'single_file' )
   chunks = [
-    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', 'single_file' )
+    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'replacement', single_buffer_name )
   result_buffer = VimBuffer(
-    'single_file',
+    single_buffer_name,
     contents = [
@@ -1026,10 +1030,10 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Aborts_Opening_File_test(
   with patch( 'vim.buffers', [ None, result_buffer, None ] ):
     assert_that( calling( vimsupport.ReplaceChunks ).with_args( chunks ),
                  raises( RuntimeError,
-                  'Unable to open file: single_file\nFixIt/Refactor operation '
-                  'aborted prior to completion. Your files have not been '
-                  'fully updated. Please use undo commands to revert the '
-                  'applied changes.' ) )
+                  'Unable to open file: .+single_file\n'
+                  'FixIt/Refactor operation aborted prior to completion. '
+                  'Your files have not been fully updated. '
+                  'Please use undo commands to revert the applied changes.' ) )
   # We checked if it was OK to open the file
   confirm.assert_has_exact_calls( [
@@ -1044,7 +1048,7 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Aborts_Opening_File_test(
   ] )
   # We tried to open this file
-  open_filename.assert_called_with( "single_file", {
+  open_filename.assert_called_with( single_buffer_name, {
     'focus': True,
     'fix': True,
     'size': 10
@@ -1059,10 +1063,10 @@ def ReplaceChunks_User_Aborts_Opening_File_test(
 @patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.SetFittingHeightForCurrentWindow' )
 @patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.GetBufferNumberForFilename', side_effect = [
           22, # first_file (check)
-          -1, # another_file (check)
+          -1, # second_file (check)
           22, # first_file (apply)
-          -1, # another_file (apply)
-          19, # another_file (check after open)
+          -1, # second_file (apply)
+          19, # second_file (check after open)
         new_callable = ExtendedMock )
 @patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.BufferIsVisible', side_effect = [
@@ -1094,14 +1098,16 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
                                        variable_exists ):
   # Chunks are split across 2 files, one is already open, one isn't
+  first_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( '1_first_file' )
+  second_buffer_name = os.path.realpath( '2_second_file' )
   chunks = [
-    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'first_file_replacement ', '1_first_file' ),
-    _BuildChunk( 2, 1, 2, 1, 'second_file_replacement ', '2_another_file' ),
+    _BuildChunk( 1, 1, 2, 1, 'first_file_replacement ', first_buffer_name ),
+    _BuildChunk( 2, 1, 2, 1, 'second_file_replacement ', second_buffer_name ),
   first_file = VimBuffer(
-    '1_first_file',
+    first_buffer_name,
     number = 22,
     contents = [
@@ -1109,8 +1115,8 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
-  another_file = VimBuffer(
-    '2_another_file',
+  second_file = VimBuffer(
+    second_buffer_name,
     number = 19,
     contents = [
       'another line1',
@@ -1120,18 +1126,18 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
   vim_buffers = [ None ] * 23
   vim_buffers[ 22 ] = first_file
-  vim_buffers[ 19 ] = another_file
+  vim_buffers[ 19 ] = second_file
   with patch( 'vim.buffers', vim_buffers ):
     vimsupport.ReplaceChunks( chunks )
   # We checked for the right file names
   get_buffer_number_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
-    call( '1_first_file', False ),
-    call( '2_another_file', False ),
-    call( '1_first_file', False ),
-    call( '2_another_file', False ),
-    call( '2_another_file', False ),
+    call( first_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( second_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( first_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( second_buffer_name, False ),
+    call( second_buffer_name, False ),
   ] )
   # We checked if it was OK to open the file
@@ -1140,7 +1146,7 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
   ] )
   # Ensure that buffers are updated
-  eq_( another_file.GetLines(), [
+  eq_( second_file.GetLines(), [
     'another line1',
     'second_file_replacement ACME line2',
   ] )
@@ -1149,8 +1155,8 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
   ] )
-  # We open '2_another_file' as expected.
-  open_filename.assert_called_with( '2_another_file', {
+  # We open '2_second_file' as expected.
+  open_filename.assert_called_with( second_buffer_name, {
     'focus': True,
     'fix': True,
     'size': 10
@@ -1170,14 +1176,14 @@ def ReplaceChunks_MultiFile_Open_test( vim_command,
     call( '&previewheight' ),
     call( 'setqflist( {0} )'.format( json.dumps( [ {
       'bufnr': 22,
-      'filename': '1_first_file',
+      'filename': first_buffer_name,
       'lnum': 1,
       'col': 1,
       'text': 'first_file_replacement ',
       'type': 'F'
     }, {
       'bufnr': 19,
-      'filename': '2_another_file',
+      'filename': second_buffer_name,
       'lnum': 2,
       'col': 1,
       'text': 'second_file_replacement ',
@@ -1320,34 +1326,10 @@ def WriteToPreviewWindow_JumpFail_MultiLine_test( vim_current, vim_command ):
-def CheckFilename_test():
-  assert_that(
-    calling( vimsupport.CheckFilename ).with_args( None ),
-    raises( RuntimeError, "'None' is not a valid filename" )
-  )
-  assert_that(
-    calling( vimsupport.CheckFilename ).with_args( 'nonexistent_file' ),
-    raises( RuntimeError,
-            "filename 'nonexistent_file' cannot be opened. "
-            "No such file or directory." )
-  )
-  assert_that( vimsupport.CheckFilename( __file__ ), none() )
 def BufferIsVisibleForFilename_test():
   vim_buffers = [
-    VimBuffer(
-      os.path.realpath( 'visible_filename' ),
-      number = 1,
-      window = 1
-    ),
-    VimBuffer(
-      os.path.realpath( 'hidden_filename' ),
-      number = 2,
-      window = None
-    )
+    VimBuffer( 'visible_filename', number = 1, window = 1 ),
+    VimBuffer( 'hidden_filename', number = 2, window = None )
   with patch( 'vim.buffers', vim_buffers ):
@@ -1361,14 +1343,8 @@ def BufferIsVisibleForFilename_test():
         new_callable = ExtendedMock )
 def CloseBuffersForFilename_test( vim_command, *args ):
   vim_buffers = [
-    VimBuffer(
-      os.path.realpath( 'some_filename' ),
-      number = 2
-    ),
-    VimBuffer(
-      os.path.realpath( 'some_filename' ),
-      number = 5
-    )
+    VimBuffer( 'some_filename', number = 2 ),
+    VimBuffer( 'some_filename', number = 5 )
   with patch( 'vim.buffers', vim_buffers ):
@@ -1383,10 +1359,11 @@ def CloseBuffersForFilename_test( vim_command, *args ):
 @patch( 'vim.command', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
 @patch( 'vim.current', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
 def OpenFilename_test( vim_current, vim_command ):
-  # Options used to open a logfile
+  # Options used to open a logfile.
   options = {
     'size': vimsupport.GetIntValue( '&previewheight' ),
     'fix': True,
+    'focus': False,
     'watch': True,
     'position': 'end'

+ 201 - 2

@@ -23,11 +23,15 @@ from future import standard_library
 from builtins import *  # noqa
-from ycm.tests.test_utils import MockVimModule
+from ycm.tests import StopServer
+from ycm.tests.test_utils import ( ExtendedMock, MockVimBuffers, MockVimModule,
+                                   VimBuffer )
+import os
 import sys
-from hamcrest import assert_that, is_in, is_not
+from hamcrest import assert_that, is_in, is_not, has_length, matches_regexp
+from mock import call, MagicMock, patch
 from ycm.tests import YouCompleteMeInstance
@@ -35,3 +39,198 @@ from ycm.tests import YouCompleteMeInstance
 def YouCompleteMe_YcmCoreNotImported_test( ycm ):
   assert_that( 'ycm_core', is_not( is_in( sys.modules ) ) )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
+def RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( ycm, test, post_vim_message ):
+  StopServer( ycm )
+  ycm._logger = MagicMock( autospec = True )
+  ycm._server_popen = MagicMock( autospec = True )
+  ycm._server_popen.poll.return_value = test[ 'return_code' ]
+ = test[ 'stderr_output' ]
+  ycm._NotifyUserIfServerCrashed()
+  assert_that( ycm._logger.method_calls,
+               has_length( len( test[ 'expected_logs' ] ) ) )
+  ycm._logger.error.assert_has_calls(
+    [ call( log ) for log in test[ 'expected_logs' ] ] )
+  post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+    call( test[ 'expected_vim_message' ] )
+  ] )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_UnexpectedCore_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "Unexpected error while loading the YCM core library. "
+              "Use the ':YcmToggleLogs' command to check the logs." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 3,
+    'stderr_output' : '',
+    'expected_logs': [ message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_MissingCore_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "YCM core library not detected; you need to compile YCM before "
+              "using it. Follow the instructions in the documentation." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 4,
+    'stderr_output': '',
+    'expected_logs': [ message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_Python2Core_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "YCM core library compiled for Python 2 but loaded in Python 3. "
+              "Set the 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option to a Python 2 "
+              "interpreter path." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 5,
+    'stderr_output': '',
+    'expected_logs': [ message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_Python3Core_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "YCM core library compiled for Python 3 but loaded in Python 2. "
+              "Set the 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option to a Python 3 "
+              "interpreter path." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 6,
+    'stderr_output': '',
+    'expected_logs': [ message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_OutdatedCore_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "YCM core library too old; PLEASE RECOMPILE by running the "
+              " script. See the documentation for more details." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 7,
+    'stderr_output': '',
+    'expected_logs': [ message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_NotifyUserIfServerCrashed_UnexpectedExitCode_test():
+  message = ( "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer'). "
+              "Unexpected exit code 1. Use the ':YcmToggleLogs' command to "
+              "check the logs." )
+  RunNotifyUserIfServerCrashed( {
+    'return_code': 1,
+    'stderr_output': 'First line\r\n'
+                     'Second line',
+    'expected_logs': [ 'First line\n'
+                       'Second line',
+                       message ],
+    'expected_vim_message': message
+  } )
+def YouCompleteMe_DebugInfo_ServerRunning_test( ycm ):
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.DebugInfo(),
+      matches_regexp(
+        'Client logfile: .+\n'
+        'Server has Clang support compiled in: (True|False)\n'
+        '(Clang version: .+\n)?'
+        'Server running at: .+\n'
+        'Server process ID: \d+\n'
+        'Server logfiles:\n'
+        '  .+\n'
+        '  .+' )
+    )
+def YouCompleteMe_DebugInfo_ServerNotRunning_test( ycm ):
+  StopServer( ycm )
+  current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+    assert_that(
+      ycm.DebugInfo(),
+      matches_regexp(
+        'Client logfile: .+\n'
+        'Server crashed, no debug info from server\n'
+        'Server running at: .+\n'
+        'Server process ID: \d+\n'
+        'Server logfiles:\n'
+        '  .+\n'
+        '  .+' )
+    )
+def YouCompleteMe_OnVimLeave_RemoveClientLogfileByDefault_test( ycm ):
+    client_logfile = ycm._client_logfile
+    assert_that( os.path.isfile( client_logfile ),
+                 'Logfile {0} does not exist.'.format( client_logfile ) )
+    ycm.OnVimLeave()
+    assert_that( not os.path.isfile( client_logfile ),
+                 'Logfile {0} was not removed.'.format( client_logfile ) )
+@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'keep_logfiles': 1 } )
+def YouCompleteMe_OnVimLeave_KeepClientLogfile_test( ycm ):
+    client_logfile = ycm._client_logfile
+    assert_that( os.path.isfile( client_logfile ),
+                 'Logfile {0} does not exist.'.format( client_logfile ) )
+    ycm.OnVimLeave()
+    assert_that( os.path.isfile( client_logfile ),
+                 'Logfile {0} was removed.'.format( client_logfile ) )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.CloseBuffersForFilename', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.OpenFilename', new_callable = ExtendedMock )
+def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithParameters_test( ycm,
+                                                  open_filename,
+                                                  close_buffers_for_filename ):
+  logfile_buffer = VimBuffer( ycm._client_logfile, window = 1 )
+  with MockVimBuffers( [ logfile_buffer ], logfile_buffer ):
+    ycm.ToggleLogs( os.path.basename( ycm._client_logfile ),
+                    'nonexisting_logfile',
+                    os.path.basename( ycm._server_stdout ) )
+    open_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+      call( ycm._server_stdout, { 'size': 12,
+                                  'watch': True,
+                                  'fix': True,
+                                  'focus': False,
+                                  'position': 'end' } )
+    ] )
+    close_buffers_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+      call( ycm._client_logfile )
+    ] )
+@patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.PostVimMessage' )
+def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_test( ycm, post_vim_message ):
+  ycm.ToggleLogs()
+  assert_that(
+    # Argument passed to PostVimMessage.
+    post_vim_message.call_args[ 0 ][ 0 ],
+    matches_regexp(
+      'Available logfiles are:\n'
+      'ycm_.+.log\n'
+      'ycmd_\d+_stderr_.+.log\n'
+      'ycmd_\d+_stdout_.+.log' )
+  )

+ 1 - 16

@@ -937,20 +937,6 @@ def WriteToPreviewWindow( message ):
     PostVimMessage( message, warning = False )
-def CheckFilename( filename ):
-  """Check if filename is openable."""
-  try:
-    # We don't want to check for encoding issues when trying to open the file
-    # so we open it in binary mode.
-    open( filename, mode = 'rb' ).close()
-  except TypeError:
-    raise RuntimeError( "'{0}' is not a valid filename".format( filename ) )
-  except IOError as error:
-    raise RuntimeError(
-      "filename '{0}' cannot be opened. {1}.".format( filename,
-                                                      error.strerror ) )
 def BufferIsVisibleForFilename( filename ):
   """Check if a buffer exists for a specific file."""
   buffer_number = GetBufferNumberForFilename( filename, False )
@@ -998,8 +984,7 @@ def OpenFilename( filename, options = {} ):
     previous_tab = None
-  # Open the file
-  CheckFilename( filename )
+  # Open the file.
     vim.command( '{0}{1} {2}'.format( size, command, filename ) )
   # When the file we are trying to jump to has a swap file,

+ 130 - 63

@@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ standard_library.install_aliases()
 from builtins import *  # noqa
 from future.utils import iteritems
-import os
-import vim
+import base64
 import json
+import logging
+import os
 import re
 import signal
-import base64
+import vim
 from subprocess import PIPE
 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
 from ycm import base, paths, vimsupport
@@ -77,13 +78,12 @@ signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN )
   "The ycmd server SHUT DOWN (restart with ':YcmRestartServer')." )
-  "Run ':YcmToggleLogs stderr' to check the logs." )
-  "Logfile was deleted; set 'g:ycm_server_keep_logfiles' to see errors "
-  "in the future." )
+  "Unexpected exit code {code}. "
+  "Use the ':YcmToggleLogs' command to check the logs." )
-  'Unexpected error while loading the YCM core library.' )
+  "Unexpected error while loading the YCM core library. "
+  "Use the ':YcmToggleLogs' command to check the logs." )
   'YCM core library not detected; you need to compile YCM before using it. '
   'Follow the instructions in the documentation.' )
@@ -100,7 +100,12 @@ CORE_OUTDATED_MESSAGE = (
   'script. See the documentation for more details.' )
 DIAGNOSTIC_UI_FILETYPES = set( [ 'cpp', 'cs', 'c', 'objc', 'objcpp' ] )
-LOGFILE_FORMAT = 'ycmd_{port}_{std}_'
+SERVER_LOGFILE_FORMAT = 'ycmd_{port}_{std}_'
+# Flag to set a file handle inheritable by child processes on Windows. See
 class YouCompleteMe( object ):
@@ -113,11 +118,14 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
     self._latest_file_parse_request = None
     self._latest_completion_request = None
     self._latest_diagnostics = []
+    self._logger = logging.getLogger( 'ycm' )
+    self._client_logfile = None
     self._server_stdout = None
     self._server_stderr = None
     self._server_popen = None
     self._filetypes_with_keywords_loaded = set()
     self._ycmd_keepalive = YcmdKeepalive()
+    self._SetupLogging()
     self._complete_done_hooks = {
@@ -134,6 +142,8 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
       options_dict = dict( self._user_options )
       options_dict[ 'hmac_secret' ] = utils.ToUnicode(
         base64.b64encode( hmac_secret ) )
+      options_dict[ 'server_keep_logfiles' ] = self._user_options[
+        'keep_logfiles' ]
       json.dump( options_dict, options_file )
@@ -141,18 +151,18 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
                '--port={0}'.format( server_port ),
                '--options_file={0}'.format( ),
-               '--log={0}'.format( self._user_options[ 'server_log_level' ] ),
+               '--log={0}'.format( self._user_options[ 'log_level' ] ),
                   SERVER_IDLE_SUICIDE_SECONDS ) ]
       self._server_stdout = utils.CreateLogfile(
-          LOGFILE_FORMAT.format( port = server_port, std = 'stdout' ) )
+          SERVER_LOGFILE_FORMAT.format( port = server_port, std = 'stdout' ) )
       self._server_stderr = utils.CreateLogfile(
-          LOGFILE_FORMAT.format( port = server_port, std = 'stderr' ) )
+          SERVER_LOGFILE_FORMAT.format( port = server_port, std = 'stderr' ) )
       args.append( '--stdout={0}'.format( self._server_stdout ) )
       args.append( '--stderr={0}'.format( self._server_stderr ) )
-      if self._user_options[ 'server_keep_logfiles' ]:
+      if self._user_options[ 'keep_logfiles' ]:
         args.append( '--keep_logfiles' )
       self._server_popen = utils.SafePopen( args, stdin_windows = PIPE,
@@ -163,10 +173,48 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
+  def _SetupLogging( self ):
+    def FreeFileFromOtherProcesses( file_object ):
+      if utils.OnWindows():
+        from ctypes import windll
+        import msvcrt
+        file_handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle( file_object.fileno() )
+        windll.kernel32.SetHandleInformation( file_handle,
+                                              HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT,
+                                              0 )
+    self._client_logfile = utils.CreateLogfile( CLIENT_LOGFILE_FORMAT )
+    log_level = self._user_options[ 'log_level' ]
+    numeric_level = getattr( logging, log_level.upper(), None )
+    if not isinstance( numeric_level, int ):
+      raise ValueError( 'Invalid log level: {0}'.format( log_level ) )
+    self._logger.setLevel( numeric_level )
+    handler = logging.FileHandler( self._client_logfile )
+    # On Windows and Python prior to 3.4, file handles are inherited by child
+    # processes started with at least one replaced standard stream, which is the
+    # case when we start the ycmd server (we are redirecting all standard
+    # outputs into a pipe). These files cannot be removed while the child
+    # processes are still up. This is not desirable for a logfile because we
+    # want to remove it at Vim exit without having to wait for the ycmd server
+    # to be completely shut down. We need to make the logfile handle
+    # non-inheritable. See for more
+    # details.
+    FreeFileFromOtherProcesses( )
+    formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' )
+    handler.setFormatter( formatter )
+    self._logger.addHandler( handler )
   def IsServerAlive( self ):
-    returncode = self._server_popen.poll()
+    return_code = self._server_popen.poll()
     # When the process hasn't finished yet, poll() returns None.
-    return returncode is None
+    return return_code is None
   def _NotifyUserIfServerCrashed( self ):
@@ -174,27 +222,27 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
     self._user_notified_about_crash = True
-    try:
-      vimsupport.CheckFilename( self._server_stderr )
-      stderr_message = STDERR_FILE_MESSAGE
-    except RuntimeError:
-      stderr_message = STDERR_FILE_DELETED_MESSAGE
     return_code = self._server_popen.poll()
     if return_code == server_utils.CORE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS:
-      message += ' ' + CORE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE + ' ' + stderr_message
+      error_message = CORE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE
     elif return_code == server_utils.CORE_MISSING_STATUS:
-      message += ' ' + CORE_MISSING_MESSAGE
+      error_message = CORE_MISSING_MESSAGE
     elif return_code == server_utils.CORE_PYTHON2_STATUS:
-      message += ' ' + CORE_PYTHON2_MESSAGE
+      error_message = CORE_PYTHON2_MESSAGE
     elif return_code == server_utils.CORE_PYTHON3_STATUS:
-      message += ' ' + CORE_PYTHON3_MESSAGE
+      error_message = CORE_PYTHON3_MESSAGE
     elif return_code == server_utils.CORE_OUTDATED_STATUS:
-      message += ' ' + CORE_OUTDATED_MESSAGE
+      error_message = CORE_OUTDATED_MESSAGE
-      message += ' ' + stderr_message
-    vimsupport.PostVimMessage( message )
+      error_message = EXIT_CODE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE.format( code = return_code )
+    server_stderr = '\n'.join( )
+    if server_stderr:
+      self._logger.error( server_stderr )
+    error_message = SERVER_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE + ' ' + error_message
+    self._logger.error( error_message )
+    vimsupport.PostVimMessage( error_message )
   def ServerPid( self ):
@@ -209,7 +257,6 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
   def RestartServer( self ):
-    self._CloseLogs()
     vimsupport.PostVimMessage( 'Restarting ycmd server...' )
@@ -340,8 +387,16 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
+  def _CleanLogfile( self ):
+    logging.shutdown()
+    if not self._user_options[ 'keep_logfiles' ]:
+      if self._client_logfile:
+        utils.RemoveIfExists( self._client_logfile )
   def OnVimLeave( self ):
+    self._CleanLogfile()
   def OnCurrentIdentifierFinished( self ):
@@ -592,61 +647,73 @@ class YouCompleteMe( object ):
   def DebugInfo( self ):
+    debug_info = ''
+    if self._client_logfile:
+      debug_info += 'Client logfile: {0}\n'.format( self._client_logfile )
     if self.IsServerAlive():
-      debug_info = BaseRequest.PostDataToHandler( BuildRequestData(),
-                                                  'debug_info' )
+      debug_info += BaseRequest.PostDataToHandler( BuildRequestData(),
+                                                   'debug_info' )
-      debug_info = 'Server crashed, no debug info from server'
-    debug_info += '\nServer running at: {0}'.format(
+      debug_info += 'Server crashed, no debug info from server'
+    debug_info += '\nServer running at: {0}\n'.format(
         BaseRequest.server_location )
-    debug_info += '\nServer process ID: {0}'.format( )
+    debug_info += 'Server process ID: {0}\n'.format( )
     if self._server_stderr or self._server_stdout:
-      debug_info += '\nServer logfiles:\n  {0}\n  {1}'.format(
-        self._server_stdout,
-        self._server_stderr )
+      debug_info += ( 'Server logfiles:\n'
+                      '  {0}\n'
+                      '  {1}'.format( self._server_stdout,
+                                      self._server_stderr ) )
     return debug_info
-  def _OpenLogs( self, stdout = True, stderr = True ):
+  def GetLogfiles( self ):
+    logfiles_list = [ self._client_logfile,
+                      self._server_stdout,
+                      self._server_stderr ]
+    logfiles = {}
+    for logfile in logfiles_list:
+      logfiles[ os.path.basename( logfile ) ] = logfile
+    return logfiles
+  def _OpenLogfile( self, logfile ):
     # Open log files in a horizontal window with the same behavior as the
     # preview window (same height and winfixheight enabled). Automatically
     # watch for changes. Set the cursor position at the end of the file.
     options = {
       'size': vimsupport.GetIntValue( '&previewheight' ),
       'fix': True,
+      'focus': False,
       'watch': True,
       'position': 'end'
-    if stdout:
-      vimsupport.OpenFilename( self._server_stdout, options )
-    if stderr:
-      vimsupport.OpenFilename( self._server_stderr, options )
+    vimsupport.OpenFilename( logfile, options )
+  def _CloseLogfile( self, logfile ):
+    vimsupport.CloseBuffersForFilename( logfile )
-  def _CloseLogs( self, stdout = True, stderr = True ):
-    if stdout:
-      vimsupport.CloseBuffersForFilename( self._server_stdout )
-    if stderr:
-      vimsupport.CloseBuffersForFilename( self._server_stderr )
+  def ToggleLogs( self, *filenames ):
+    logfiles = self.GetLogfiles()
+    if not filenames:
+      vimsupport.PostVimMessage(
+          'Available logfiles are:\n'
+          '{0}'.format( '\n'.join( sorted( list( logfiles ) ) ) ) )
+      return
+    for filename in set( filenames ):
+      if filename not in logfiles:
+        continue
-  def ToggleLogs( self, stdout = True, stderr = True ):
-    if ( stdout and
-         vimsupport.BufferIsVisibleForFilename( self._server_stdout ) or
-         stderr and
-         vimsupport.BufferIsVisibleForFilename( self._server_stderr ) ):
-      return self._CloseLogs( stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr )
+      logfile = logfiles[ filename ]
-    # Close hidden logfile buffers if any to keep a clean state
-    self._CloseLogs( stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr )
+      if not vimsupport.BufferIsVisibleForFilename( logfile ):
+        self._OpenLogfile( logfile )
+        continue
-    try:
-      self._OpenLogs( stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr )
-    except RuntimeError as error:
-      vimsupport.PostVimMessage( 'YouCompleteMe encountered an error when '
-                                 'opening logs: {0}.'.format( error ) )
+      self._CloseLogfile( logfile )
   def CurrentFiletypeCompletionEnabled( self ):