@@ -923,7 +923,6 @@ Rust ~
- Type information for identifiers (|GetType|)
- Renaming symbols ('RefactorRename <new name>')
- Code formatting (|Format|)
-- Execute custom server command ('ExecuteCommand <args>')
- Management of 'rust-analyzer' server instance
@@ -2220,10 +2219,9 @@ flags.
The 'ExecuteCommand <args>' subcommand ~
-Some LSP completers (currently Rust and Java completers) support executing
-server specific commands. Consult the rust-analyzer [15] and jdt.ls [16]
-respective documentations to find out what commands are supported and which
-arguments are expected.
+Some LSP completers (currently only Java completers) support executing
+server specific commands. Consult the jdt.ls [16] documentation to find out
+what commands are supported and which arguments are expected.
The support for 'ExecuteCommand' was implemented to support plugins like
vimspector [73] to debug java, but isn't limited to that specific use case.