@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included which OS (including specific OS
version) I am using.
- [ ] If filing a bug report, I have included a minimal test case that reproduces
- my issue, including what I expected to happen and what actually happened.
+ my issue, using `vim -Nu /path/to/YCM/vimrc_ycm_minimal`, including what I
+ expected to happen and what actually happened.
- [ ] If filing a installation failure report, I have included the entire output
of `install.py` (or `cmake`/`make`/`ninja`) including its invocation
- [ ] **I understand this is an open-source project staffed by volunteers and
@@ -38,9 +39,19 @@ quickly and that neither your nor our time is needlessly wasted.
> Include steps to reproduce here.
+1. `vim -Nu /path/to/YCM/ycm_vimrc_minimal`
+2. `:edit test.py`
+3. Enter insert mode and type `.....`
> Include description of a minimal test case, including any actual code required
> to reproduce the issue.
+> If you made changes to `vimrc_ycm_minimal`, pase them here:
+<contents of ycm_vimrc_minimal>
* What did you expect to happen?
> Include description of the expected behaviour.
@@ -54,17 +65,27 @@ quickly and that neither your nor our time is needlessly wasted.
## Output of `vim --version`
-> Place the output here, or a link to a [gist][].
+Paste output here
## Output of `YcmDebugInfo`
-> Place the output here, or a link to a [gist][].
+Paste output here
+## Output of `YcmDiags`
+Paste output here
## Contents of YCM, ycmd and completion engine logfiles
-> Add `let g:ycm_log_level = 'debug'` to vimrc, restart Vim, reproduce the
-> issue, and include link here to a [gist][] containing the entire logfiles for
-> ycm, ycmd and any completer logfiles listed by `:YcmToggleLogs`.
+> Reproduce the issue with `vim -Nu /path/to/YCM/vimrc_ycm_minimal`, which
+> enabled debug logging and other useful diagnostics. Include a link to a
+> [gist][] containing all of the log files listed by `:YcmToggleLogs`.
## OS version, distribution, etc.