@@ -66,11 +66,9 @@ Contents ~
2. The 'RefactorRename <new name>' subcommand |RefactorRename-new-name|
3. Multi-file Refactor |youcompleteme-multi-file-refactor|
4. Miscellaneous Commands |youcompleteme-miscellaneous-commands|
- 1. The |ClearCompilationFlagCache| subcommand
- 2. The |StartServer| subcommand
- 3. The |StopServer| subcommand
- 4. The |RestartServer| subcommand
- 5. The |ReloadSolution| subcommand
+ 1. The |RestartServer| subcommand
+ 2. The |ClearCompilationFlagCache| subcommand
+ 3. The |ReloadSolution| subcommand
8. Functions |youcompleteme-functions|
1. The |youcompleteme#GetErrorCount| function
2. The |youcompleteme#GetWarningCount| function
@@ -1128,8 +1126,7 @@ project, you can do one of the following:
- change Vim's working directory (':cd /path/to/new/project'), open a
JavaScript file (or set filetype to JavaScript) and restart the Tern server
- using YCM completer subcommands ':YcmCompleter StopServer' and
- ':YcmCompleter StartServer'.
+ using YCM completer subcommand ':YcmCompleter RestartServer'.
@@ -1730,6 +1727,19 @@ These commands are for general administration, rather than IDE-like features.
They cover things like the semantic engine server instance and compilation
+The *RestartServer* subcommand
+Restarts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines
+that work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
+An additional optional argument may be supplied for Python, specifying the
+python binary to use to restart the Python semantic engine.
+ :YcmCompleter RestartServer /usr/bin/python3.4
+Supported in filetypes: 'cs, go, javascript, python, rust, typescript'
The *ClearCompilationFlagCache* subcommand
@@ -1743,35 +1753,6 @@ This command clears that cache entirely. YCM will then re-query your
Supported in filetypes: 'c, cpp, objc, objcpp'
-The *StartServer* subcommand
-Starts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
-work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
-Supported in filetypes: 'cs, go, javascript, rust'
-The *StopServer* subcommand
-Stops the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
-work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
-Supported in filetypes: 'cs, go, javascript, rust'
-The *RestartServer* subcommand
-Restarts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines
-that work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
-An additional optional argument may be supplied for Python, specifying the
-python binary to use to restart the Python semantic engine.
- :YcmCompleter RestartServer /usr/bin/python3.4
-Supported in filetypes: 'cs, python, rust'
The *ReloadSolution* subcommand