@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import * # noqa
from future.utils import iterkeys
-import contextlib
import vim
import os
import json
@@ -1218,49 +1217,6 @@ def BuildRange( start_line, end_line ):
-def AutocommandEventsIgnored( events = [ 'all' ] ):
- """Context manager to perform operations without triggering autocommand
- events. |events| is a list of events to ignore. By default, all events are
- ignored."""
- old_eventignore = vim.options[ 'eventignore' ]
- ignored_events = {
- event for event in ToUnicode( old_eventignore ).split( ',' ) if event }
- ignored_events.update( events )
- vim.options[ 'eventignore' ] = ','.join( ignored_events )
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- vim.options[ 'eventignore' ] = old_eventignore
-def GetPreviousWindowNumber():
- return GetIntValue( 'winnr("#")' ) - 1
-def CurrentWindow():
- """Context manager to perform operations on other windows than the current one
- without triggering autocommands related to window movement. Use the
- SwitchWindow function to move to other windows while under the context."""
- previous_window = vim.windows[ GetPreviousWindowNumber() ]
- current_window = vim.current.window
- with AutocommandEventsIgnored( [ 'WinEnter', 'Winleave' ] ):
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- # Ensure <c-w>p still go to the previous window.
- vim.current.window = previous_window
- vim.current.window = current_window
-def SwitchWindow( window ):
- """Move to the window object |window|. This function should be called under
- the CurrentWindow context if you are going to switch back to the original
- window."""
- vim.current.window = window
# Expects version_string in 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH' format, e.g. '8.1.278'
def VimVersionAtLeast( version_string ):
major, minor, patch = ( int( x ) for x in version_string.split( '.' ) )