@@ -18,38 +18,56 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from nose.tools import eq_
+from nose.tools import eq_, ok_, with_setup
from mock import MagicMock
from ycm.test_utils import MockVimModule
vim_mock = MockVimModule()
from ycm import base
from ycm import vimsupport
+import sys
+# column is 0-based
+def SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( column, line_value ):
+ vimsupport.CurrentColumn = MagicMock( return_value = column )
+ vimsupport.CurrentLineContents = MagicMock( return_value = line_value )
+def Setup():
+ sys.modules[ 'ycm.vimsupport' ] = MagicMock()
+ vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes = MagicMock( return_value = [''] )
+ vimsupport.CurrentColumn = MagicMock( return_value = 1 )
+ vimsupport.CurrentLineContents = MagicMock( return_value = '' )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_Basic_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' } ],
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foobar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_ParenInTextAfterCursor_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar(zoo' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' } ],
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foobar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_PlusInTextAfterCursor_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar+zoo' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' } ],
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foobar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_WhitespaceInTextAfterCursor_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar zoo' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' } ],
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foobar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_MoreThanWordMatchingAfterCursor_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar.h' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar.h', 'word': 'foo' } ],
@@ -60,12 +78,14 @@ def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_MoreThanWordMatchingAfterCursor_test():
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foobar(zoo' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_NotSuffix_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foofoo', 'word': 'foofoo' } ],
base.AdjustCandidateInsertionText( [ 'foofoo' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_NothingAfterCursor_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = '' )
eq_( [ 'foofoo',
@@ -74,6 +94,7 @@ def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_NothingAfterCursor_test():
'zobar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_MultipleStrings_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' },
@@ -87,6 +108,7 @@ def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_MultipleStrings_test():
'bar' ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_DictInput_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': 'foobar', 'word': 'foo' } ],
@@ -94,6 +116,7 @@ def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_DictInput_test():
[ { 'word': 'foobar' } ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_DontTouchAbbr_test():
vimsupport.TextAfterCursor = MagicMock( return_value = 'bar' )
eq_( [ { 'abbr': '1234', 'word': 'foo' } ],
@@ -101,40 +124,156 @@ def AdjustCandidateInsertionText_DontTouchAbbr_test():
[ { 'abbr': '1234', 'word': 'foobar' } ] ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_Basic_test():
eq_( 3, base.OverlapLength( 'foo bar', 'bar zoo' ) )
eq_( 3, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', 'barzoo' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_BasicWithUnicode_test():
eq_( 3, base.OverlapLength( u'bar fäö', u'fäö bar' ) )
eq_( 3, base.OverlapLength( u'zoofäö', u'fäözoo' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_OneCharOverlap_test():
eq_( 1, base.OverlapLength( 'foo b', 'b zoo' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_SameStrings_test():
eq_( 6, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', 'foobar' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_Substring_test():
eq_( 6, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', 'foobarzoo' ) )
eq_( 6, base.OverlapLength( 'zoofoobar', 'foobar' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_LongestOverlap_test():
eq_( 7, base.OverlapLength( 'bar foo foo', 'foo foo bar' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_EmptyInput_test():
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( '', 'goobar' ) )
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', '' ) )
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( '', '' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
def OverlapLength_NoOverlap_test():
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', 'goobar' ) )
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( 'foobar', '(^($@#$#@' ) )
eq_( 0, base.OverlapLength( 'foo bar zoo', 'foo zoo bar' ) )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar_Basic_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, 'abc' )
+ ok_( base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 2, 'abc' )
+ ok_( base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 1, 'abc' )
+ ok_( base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar_FiletypeHtml_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, 'ab-' )
+ vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes = MagicMock( return_value = ['html'] )
+ ok_( base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar_ColumnIsZero_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 0, 'abc' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar_LineEmpty_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, '' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 0, '' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar_NotIdentChar_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, 'ab;' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 1, ';' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, 'ab-' )
+ ok_( not base.LastEnteredCharIsIdentifierChar() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_Basic_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, 'ab;' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 2, 'ab;' )
+ ok_( not base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 1, 'ab;' )
+ ok_( not base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_NothingBeforeColumn_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 0, 'ab;' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 0, '' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_InvalidColumn_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 5, '' )
+ ok_( not base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 5, 'abc' )
+ ok_( not base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_InMiddleOfLine_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 4, 'bar.zoo' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 4, 'bar(zoo' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 4, 'bar-zoo' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_Html_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 4, 'bar-zoo' )
+ vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes = MagicMock( return_value = ['html'] )
+ ok_( not base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+@with_setup( Setup )
+def CurrentIdentifierFinished_WhitespaceOnly_test():
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 1, '\n' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, '\n ' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )
+ SetVimCurrentColumnAndLineValue( 3, '\t\t\t\t' )
+ ok_( base.CurrentIdentifierFinished() )