Эх сурвалжийг харах

Auto merge of #2839 - micbou:update-ycmd, r=puremourning

[READY] Update ycmd

Include the following changes:
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#856: update JediHTTP;
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#860: improve diagnostics location in C-family languages;
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#865: use Objective-C triggers for Objective-C++;
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#869: support TypeScript 2.6.1;
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#875: allow switching to a different JavaScript project with `RestartServer`;
 - PR Valloric/ycmd#877: support `-idirafter` include flag in C-family languages.

Update the JavaScript documentation on how to switch to a different project. We only mention the `:YcmCompleter RestartServer` way as other methods involve restarting ycmd and losing all its data like stored identifiers.

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zzbot 7 жил өмнө
3 өөрчлөгдсөн 42 нэмэгдсэн , 36 устгасан
  1. 16 15
  2. 25 20
  3. 1 1

+ 16 - 15

@@ -972,38 +972,36 @@ your file.
 #### Quick start
-1. Ensure that you have enabled the Tern completer. See the
+1. Ensure that you have enabled the JavaScript completer. See the
    [installation guide](#installation) for details.
 2. Create a `.tern-project` file in the root directory of your JavaScript
    project, by following the [instructions][tern-project] in the [Tern][]
-3. Make sure that Vim's working directory is a descendent of that directory (or
-   that directory itself) when working with JavaScript files.
+3. Edit a file from your project.
 #### Explanation
 JavaScript completion is based on [Tern][]. This completion engine requires a
 file named [`.tern-project`][tern-project] to exist in the current working
 directory or a directory which is an ancestor of the current working directory
-when the tern server is started. YCM starts the Tern server the first time a
-JavaScript file is edited, so Vim's working directory at that time needs to be a
-descendent of the directory containing the `.tern-project` file (or that
-directory itself).
+when the Tern server is started. YCM starts the Tern server the first time a
+JavaScript file is edited and uses its directory as the working directory, so
+the directory of that file at that time needs to be a descendent of the
+directory containing the `.tern-project` file (or that directory itself).
 Alternatively, as described in the [Tern documentation][tern-docs], a global
 `.tern-config` file may be used.
-Multiple Tern servers, are not supported. To switch to a different
-JavaScript project, you can do one of the following:
+Multiple Tern servers are not supported. To switch to a different JavaScript
+project, you need to restart the Tern server using [the `RestartServer`
+subcommand](#the-restartserver-subcommand) while editing a file of that
-- start a new instance of Vim from the new project's directory
-- change Vim's working directory (`:cd /path/to/new/project`) and restart the
-  [ycmd server][ycmd] (`:YcmRestartServer`)
-- change Vim's working directory (`:cd /path/to/new/project`), open a JavaScript
-  file (or set filetype to JavaScript) and restart the Tern server using YCM
-  completer subcommand `:YcmCompleter RestartServer`.
+:YcmCompleter RestartServer
 #### Tips and tricks
@@ -1587,6 +1585,9 @@ flags.
 Restarts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines that
 work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
+Use this subcommand while editing a file from a JavaScript project to switch to
+that project.
 An additional optional argument may be supplied for Python, specifying the
 python binary to use to restart the Python semantic engine.

+ 25 - 20

@@ -591,7 +591,15 @@ Download and install the following software:
 - Python 2 or Python 3 [35]. Be sure to pick the version corresponding to
   your Vim architecture. It is _Windows x86_ for a 32-bit Vim and _Windows
-  x86-64_ for a 64-bit Vim. We recommend installing Python 3.
+  x86-64_ for a 64-bit Vim. We recommend installing Python 3. Additionally,
+  the version of Python you install must match up exactly with the version of
+  Python that Vim is looking for. Type ':version' and look at the bottom of
+  the page at the list of compiler flags. Look for flags that look similar to
+  '-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON_DLL=\"python27.dll\"' and
+  '-DDYNAMIC_PYTHON3_DLL=\"python35.dll\"'. The former indicates that Vim is
+  looking for Python 2.7 and the latter indicates that Vim is looking for
+  Python 3.5. You'll need one or the other installed, matching the version
+  number exactly.
 - CMake [25]. Add CMake executable to the PATH environment variable.
@@ -1223,15 +1231,14 @@ JavaScript Semantic Completion ~
 Quick start ~
-1. Ensure that you have enabled the Tern completer. See the installation
-   guide for details.
+1. Ensure that you have enabled the JavaScript completer. See the
+   installation guide for details.
 2. Create a '.tern-project' file in the root directory of your JavaScript
    project, by following the instructions [49] in the Tern [16]
-3. Make sure that Vim's working directory is a descendent of that directory
-   (or that directory itself) when working with JavaScript files.
+3. Edit a file from your project.
@@ -1239,26 +1246,21 @@ Explanation ~
 JavaScript completion is based on Tern [16]. This completion engine requires a
 file named '.tern-project' [49] to exist in the current working directory or a
-directory which is an ancestor of the current working directory when the tern
+directory which is an ancestor of the current working directory when the Tern
 server is started. YCM starts the Tern server the first time a JavaScript file
-is edited, so Vim's working directory at that time needs to be a descendent of
-the directory containing the '.tern-project' file (or that directory itself).
+is edited and uses its directory as the working directory, so the directory of
+that file at that time needs to be a descendent of the directory containing the
+'.tern-project' file (or that directory itself).
 Alternatively, as described in the Tern documentation [50], a global '.tern-
 config' file may be used.
-Multiple Tern servers, are not supported. To switch to a different JavaScript
-project, you can do one of the following:
-- start a new instance of Vim from the new project's directory
-- change Vim's working directory (':cd /path/to/new/project') and restart the
-  ycmd server [43] (|:YcmRestartServer|)
-- change Vim's working directory (':cd /path/to/new/project'), open a
-  JavaScript file (or set filetype to JavaScript) and restart the Tern server
-  using YCM completer subcommand ':YcmCompleter RestartServer'.
+Multiple Tern servers are not supported. To switch to a different JavaScript
+project, you need to restart the Tern server using the |RestartServer|
+subcommand while editing a file of that project:
+  :YcmCompleter RestartServer
 Tips and tricks ~
@@ -1876,6 +1878,9 @@ The *RestartServer* subcommand
 Restarts the semantic-engine-as-localhost-server for those semantic engines
 that work as separate servers that YCM talks to.
+Use this subcommand while editing a file from a JavaScript project to switch to
+that project.
 An additional optional argument may be supplied for Python, specifying the
 python binary to use to restart the Python semantic engine.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit a12a0a3a858c6bdb6c025bf448cca2ebce6b2ba1
+Subproject commit 58ccfde8ca8441ee2b6b0baef93b565e222c6676