@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import defaultdict
-from operator import itemgetter
from ycm import vimsupport
import vim
@@ -63,8 +62,9 @@ def _UpdateSquiggles( buffer_number_to_line_to_diags ):
for diags in line_to_diags.itervalues():
for diag in diags:
- vimsupport.AddDiagnosticSyntaxMatch( diag[ 'lnum' ],
- diag[ 'col' ],
+ location = diag[ 'location' ]
+ vimsupport.AddDiagnosticSyntaxMatch( location[ 'line_num' ] + 1,
+ location[ 'column_num' ] + 1,
_DiagnosticIsError( diag ) )
@@ -88,15 +88,21 @@ def _UpdateSigns( buffer_number_to_line_to_diags, next_sign_id ):
def _ConvertDiagListToDict( diag_list ):
buffer_to_line_to_diags = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict( list ) )
for diag in diag_list:
- buffer_to_line_to_diags[ diag[ 'bufnr' ] ][ diag[ 'lnum' ] ].append( diag )
+ location = diag[ 'location' ]
+ buffer_number = vimsupport.GetBufferNumberForFilename(
+ location[ 'filepath' ] )
+ line_number = location[ 'line_num' ] + 1
+ buffer_to_line_to_diags[ buffer_number ][ line_number ].append( diag )
for line_to_diags in buffer_to_line_to_diags.itervalues():
for diags in line_to_diags.itervalues():
# We also want errors to be listed before warnings so that errors aren't
# hidden by the warnings; Vim won't place a sign oven an existing one.
- diags.sort( key = lambda diag: itemgetter( 'col', 'type' ) )
+ diags.sort( key = lambda diag: ( diag[ 'location' ][ 'column_num' ],
+ diag[ 'kind' ] ) )
return buffer_to_line_to_diags
def _DiagnosticIsError( diag ):
- return diag[ 'type' ] == 'E'
+ return diag[ 'kind' ] == 'E'