@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
+function! s:WaitForCommandRequestComplete()
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_true( py3eval(
+ \ 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest() is not None and '
+ \ . 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest().Done()' ) )
+ \ } )
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_equal( -1,
+ \ youcompleteme#Test_GetPollers().command.id )
+ \ } )
+function! s:CheckNoCommandRequest()
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_true( py3eval(
+ \ 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest() is None or '
+ \ . 'ycm_state.GetCommandRequest().Done()' ) )
+ \ } )
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_equal( -1,
+ \ youcompleteme#Test_GetPollers().command.id )
+ \ } )
function! s:CheckPopupVisible( row, col, text, syntax )
" Takes a buffer position, converts it to a screen position and checks the
" popup found at that location
@@ -11,14 +37,17 @@ function! s:CheckPopupVisibleScreenPos( loc, text, syntax )
" has 'text' (a list of lines) and 'syntax' the &syntax setting
" popup found at that location
+ call s:WaitForCommandRequestComplete()
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_notequal( 0,
+ \ popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col ),
+ \ 'Locate popup at ('
+ \ . a:loc.row
+ \ . ','
+ \ . a:loc.col
+ \ . ')' )
+ \ } )
let popup = popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col )
- call assert_notequal( 0,
- \ popup,
- \ 'Locate popup at ('
- \ . a:loc.row
- \ . ','
- \ . a:loc.col
- \ . ')' )
if a:text isnot v:none
call assert_equal( a:text,
\ getbufline( winbufnr( popup ), 1, '$' ) )
@@ -26,21 +55,29 @@ function! s:CheckPopupVisibleScreenPos( loc, text, syntax )
call assert_equal( a:syntax, getbufvar( winbufnr( popup ), '&syntax' ) )
-function! s:CheckPopupNotVisible( row, col )
+function! s:CheckPopupNotVisible( row, col, with_request=v:true )
" Takes a buffer position and ensures there is no popup visible at that
" position. Like CheckPopupVisible, the position must be valid (i.e. there
" must be buffer text at that position). Otherwise, you need to pass the
" _screen_ position to CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos
let loc = screenpos( win_getid(), a:row, a:col )
- return s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( loc )
+ return s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( loc, a:with_request )
-function! s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( loc )
+function! s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( loc, with_request=v:true )
" Takes a position dict like the one returned by screenpos() and verifies it
" does not have a popup drawn on it.
- call assert_equal( 0, popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col ) )
+ if a:with_request
+ call s:WaitForCommandRequestComplete()
+ else
+ call s:CheckNoCommandRequest()
+ endif
+ call WaitForAssert( { ->
+ \ assert_equal( 0,
+ \ popup_locate( a:loc.row, a:loc.col ) )
+ \ } )
let s:python_oneline = {
@@ -69,6 +106,8 @@ endfunction
function! TearDown()
let g:ycm_auto_hover='CursorHold'
+ call assert_equal( -1, youcompleteme#Test_GetPollers().command.id )
function! Test_Hover_Uses_GetDoc()
@@ -135,7 +174,7 @@ EOPYTHON
call setpos( '.', [ 0, 12, 3 ] )
normal \D
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4, v:false )
call popup_clear()
@@ -154,8 +193,8 @@ EOPYTHON
call assert_equal( { 'command': 'GetType', 'syntax': 'python' }, b:ycm_hover )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 2, 1 )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 2, 2 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 2, 1, v:none )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 2, 2, v:none )
" some doc - autocommand
call setpos( '.', [ 0, 12, 3 ] )
@@ -185,10 +224,12 @@ function! Test_Hover_NonNative()
setfiletype NoASupportedFileType
let messages_before = execute( 'messages' )
doautocmd CursorHold
+ call s:CheckNoCommandRequest()
call assert_false( exists( 'b:ycm_hover' ) )
call assert_equal( messages_before, execute( 'messages' ) )
normal \D
+ call s:CheckNoCommandRequest()
call assert_false( exists( 'b:ycm_hover' ) )
call assert_equal( messages_before, execute( 'messages' ) )
@@ -205,6 +246,7 @@ function! Test_Hover_Disabled_NonNative()
setfiletype NoASupportedFileType
let messages_before = execute( 'messages' )
silent doautocmd CursorHold
+ call s:CheckNoCommandRequest()
call assert_false( exists( 'b:ycm_hover' ) )
call assert_equal( messages_before, execute( 'messages' ) )
@@ -225,7 +267,7 @@ function! Test_AutoHover_Disabled()
call setpos( '.', [ 0, 12, 3 ] )
silent doautocmd CursorHold
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4, v:false )
call assert_equal( messages_before, execute( 'messages' ) )
" Manual hover is still supported
@@ -236,7 +278,7 @@ function! Test_AutoHover_Disabled()
" Manual close hover is still supported
normal \D
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 4, v:false )
call assert_equal( messages_before, execute( 'messages' ) )
call popup_clear()
@@ -270,10 +312,6 @@ function! Test_Hover_MoveCursor()
call feedkeys( "b\\D", 'xt' )
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 11, 3, s:python_oneline.GetDoc, '' )
- " line
- call feedkeys( "ji\<Esc>", 'xt' )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 3 )
call test_override( 'ALL', 0 )
call popup_clear()
@@ -295,11 +333,11 @@ function! Test_Hover_Dismiss()
" Dismiss
normal \D
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 3 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 3, v:false )
" Make sure it doesn't come back
doautocmd CursorHold
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 3 )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 11, 3, v:false )
" Move the cursor (again this is tricky). I couldn't find any tests in vim's
" own code that trigger CursorMoved, so we just cheat. (for the record, just
@@ -336,7 +374,7 @@ function! Test_Hover_Custom_Syntax()
\ 'cpp' )
normal \D
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( { 'row': 7, 'col': 9 } )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisibleScreenPos( { 'row': 7, 'col': 9 }, v:false )
call popup_clear()
@@ -386,8 +424,8 @@ function! Test_Long_Single_Line()
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 36, 1, v:none, '' )
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 36, &columns, v:none, '' )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, 1 )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, &columns )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, 1, v:false )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 37, &columns, v:false )
" Also wrap is ON so it should cover at least 2 lines + 2 for the header/empty
" line
@@ -410,16 +448,16 @@ function! Test_Long_Wrapped()
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 37, 1, v:none, '' )
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 37, &columns, v:none, '' )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, 1 )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, &columns )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, 1, v:false )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 38, &columns, v:false )
" Also, wrap is off, so it should be _exactly_ 9 lines + 2 for the signature
" and the empty line
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 27, 1, v:none, '' )
call s:CheckPopupVisible( 27, &columns, v:none, '' )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, 1 )
- call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, &columns )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, 1, v:false )
+ call s:CheckPopupNotVisible( 26, &columns, v:false )
call popup_clear()