@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ MockVimModule()
import os
import sys
-from hamcrest import ( assert_that, contains, empty, equal_to, is_in, is_not,
- matches_regexp )
+from hamcrest import ( assert_that, contains, empty, equal_to, has_entries,
+ is_in, is_not, matches_regexp )
from mock import call, MagicMock, patch
from ycm.paths import _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_DebugInfo_ServerRunning_test( ycm ):
extra_conf = os.path.join( dir_of_script, 'testdata', '.ycm_extra_conf.py' )
_LoadExtraConfFile( extra_conf )
- current_buffer = VimBuffer( buf_name, filetype='cpp' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ current_buffer = VimBuffer( buf_name, filetype = 'cpp' )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_DebugInfo_ServerNotRunning_test( ycm ):
StopServer( ycm )
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnVimLeave_KeepClientLogfile_test( ycm ):
def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithParameters_test( ycm,
close_buffers_for_filename ):
- logfile_buffer = VimBuffer( ycm._client_logfile, window = 1 )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ logfile_buffer ], logfile_buffer ):
+ logfile_buffer = VimBuffer( ycm._client_logfile )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ logfile_buffer ], [ logfile_buffer ] ):
ycm.ToggleLogs( os.path.basename( ycm._client_logfile ),
os.path.basename( ycm._server_stdout ) )
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_SelectLogfileNotAlreadyOpen_test(
ycm, open_filename, *args ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
open_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_SelectLogfileNotAlreadyOpen_test(
def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_SelectLogfileAlreadyOpen_test(
ycm, close_buffers_for_filename, *args ):
- logfile_buffer = VimBuffer( ycm._server_stdout, window = 1 )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ logfile_buffer ], logfile_buffer ):
+ logfile_buffer = VimBuffer( ycm._server_stdout )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ logfile_buffer ], [ logfile_buffer ] ):
close_buffers_for_filename.assert_has_exact_calls( [
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_NoSelection_test(
ycm, post_vim_message, *args ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ToggleLogs_WithoutParameters_NoSelection_test(
def YouCompleteMe_GetDefinedSubcommands_ListFromServer_test( ycm ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._JsonFromFuture',
return_value = [ 'SomeCommand', 'AnotherCommand' ] ):
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_GetDefinedSubcommands_ErrorFromServer_test( ycm,
logger ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._JsonFromFuture',
side_effect = ServerError( 'Server error' ) ):
result = ycm.GetDefinedSubcommands()
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDetailedDiagnostic_MessageFromServer_test(
ycm, post_vim_message ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._JsonFromFuture',
return_value = { 'message': 'some_detailed_diagnostic' } ):
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDetailedDiagnostic_Exception_test(
ycm, post_vim_message ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.base_request._JsonFromFuture',
side_effect = RuntimeError( 'Some exception' ) ):
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_FiletypeNotSupported_test( ycm,
post_vim_message ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer', filetype = 'not_supported' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_FiletypeNotSupported_test( ycm,
def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_NoDiagnosticsDetected_test(
ycm, set_location_list_for_window, post_vim_message, *args ):
- current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer', filetype = 'cpp', window = 99 )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer', filetype = 'cpp' )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification.EventNotification.Response',
return_value = {} ):
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_NoDiagnosticsDetected_test(
call( 'Diagnostics refreshed', warning = False ),
call( 'No warnings or errors detected.', warning = False )
] )
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 0, [] )
+ set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 1, [] )
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_log_level': 'debug',
@@ -461,9 +461,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_DiagnosticsFound_DoNotOpenLocationList_test(
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
filetype = 'cpp',
- number = 3,
- window = 99 )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ number = 3 )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification.EventNotification.Response',
return_value = [ diagnostic ] ):
@@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_DiagnosticsFound_DoNotOpenLocationList_test(
warning = False ),
call( 'Diagnostics refreshed', warning = False )
] )
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 0, [ {
+ set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 1, [ {
'bufnr': 3,
'lnum': 19,
'col': 2,
@@ -508,9 +507,8 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_DiagnosticsFound_OpenLocationList_test(
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
filetype = 'cpp',
- number = 3,
- window = 99 )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ number = 3 )
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification.EventNotification.Response',
return_value = [ diagnostic ] ):
@@ -520,7 +518,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_ShowDiagnostics_DiagnosticsFound_OpenLocationList_test(
warning = False ),
call( 'Diagnostics refreshed', warning = False )
] )
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 0, [ {
+ set_location_list_for_window.assert_called_once_with( 1, [ {
'bufnr': 3,
'lnum': 19,
'col': 2,
@@ -607,13 +605,12 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateDiagnosticInterface_PrioritizeErrorsOverWarnings_test(
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
filetype = 'c',
contents = contents.splitlines(),
- number = 5,
- window = 2 )
+ number = 5 )
- test_utils.VIM_MATCHES = []
+ test_utils.VIM_MATCHES_FOR_WINDOW.clear()
test_utils.VIM_SIGNS = []
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 3, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 3, 1 ) ):
with patch( 'ycm.client.event_notification.EventNotification.Response',
return_value = diagnostics ):
@@ -626,12 +623,14 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateDiagnosticInterface_PrioritizeErrorsOverWarnings_test(
# Error match is added after warning matches.
- test_utils.VIM_MATCHES,
- contains(
- VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%5c\_.\{-}\%3l\%7c' ),
- VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%9c' ),
- VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%3l\%8c' )
- )
+ has_entries( {
+ 1: contains(
+ VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%5c\_.\{-}\%3l\%7c' ),
+ VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%9c' ),
+ VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%3l\%8c' )
+ )
+ } )
# Only the error sign is placed.
@@ -643,19 +642,19 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateDiagnosticInterface_PrioritizeErrorsOverWarnings_test(
# The error is not echoed again when moving the cursor along the line.
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 3, 2 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 3, 2 ) ):
# The error is cleared when moving the cursor to another line.
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 2, 2 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 2, 2 ) ):
post_vim_message.assert_called_once_with( "", warning = False )
# The error is echoed when moving the cursor back.
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 3, 2 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 3, 2 ) ):
@@ -668,11 +667,13 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateDiagnosticInterface_PrioritizeErrorsOverWarnings_test(
ycm.HandleFileParseRequest( block = True )
- test_utils.VIM_MATCHES,
- contains(
- VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%5c\_.\{-}\%3l\%7c' ),
- VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%9c' )
- )
+ has_entries( {
+ 1: contains(
+ VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%5c\_.\{-}\%3l\%7c' ),
+ VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%9c' )
+ )
+ } )
@@ -687,23 +688,25 @@ def YouCompleteMe_UpdateDiagnosticInterface_PrioritizeErrorsOverWarnings_test(
def YouCompleteMe_UpdateMatches_ClearDiagnosticMatchesInNewBuffer_test( ycm ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'buffer',
filetype = 'c',
- number = 5,
- window = 2 )
+ number = 5 )
- test_utils.VIM_MATCHES = [
+ test_utils.VIM_MATCHES_FOR_WINDOW.clear()
+ test_utils.VIM_MATCHES_FOR_WINDOW[ 1 ] = [
VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%5c\_.\{-}\%3l\%7c' ),
VimMatch( 'YcmWarningSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%9c' ),
VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%3l\%8c' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
- assert_that( test_utils.VIM_MATCHES, empty() )
+ assert_that( test_utils.VIM_MATCHES_FOR_WINDOW,
+ has_entries( { 1: empty() } ) )
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
- 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1 } )
+ 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
+ 'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
@patch.object( ycm_buffer_module,
[ 'ycmtest' ] )
@@ -731,6 +734,19 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_SingleFile_test( ycm,
'line_num': 1,
'column_num': 1
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/current',
+ 'line_num': 1,
+ 'column_num': 1,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/current',
+ 'line_num': 1,
+ 'column_num': 1,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
'kind': 'ERROR',
@@ -740,6 +756,19 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_SingleFile_test( ycm,
'line_num': 4,
'column_num': 2
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/has_diags',
+ 'line_num': 4,
+ 'column_num': 2,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/has_diags',
+ 'line_num': 4,
+ 'column_num': 2,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
'kind': 'ERROR',
@@ -749,76 +778,99 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_SingleFile_test( ycm,
'line_num': 8,
'column_num': 4
- },
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/not_open',
+ 'line_num': 8,
+ 'column_num': 4,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/not_open',
+ 'line_num': 8,
+ 'column_num': 4,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
+ }
current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 1,
- window = 10 )
- buffers = [
- current_buffer,
- VimBuffer( '/no_diags',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 2,
- window = 9 ),
- VimBuffer( '/has_diags',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 3,
- window = 8 ),
- ]
+ contents = [ 'current' ] * 10,
+ number = 1 )
+ no_diags_buffer = VimBuffer( '/no_diags',
+ filetype = 'ycmtest',
+ contents = [ 'nodiags' ] * 10,
+ number = 2 )
+ hidden_buffer = VimBuffer( '/has_diags',
+ filetype = 'ycmtest',
+ contents = [ 'hasdiags' ] * 10,
+ number = 3 )
+ buffers = [ current_buffer, no_diags_buffer, hidden_buffer ]
+ windows = [ current_buffer, no_diags_buffer ]
# Register each buffer internally with YCM
for current in buffers:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( buffers, [ current ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.SetLocationListForWindow',
new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as set_location_list_for_window:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( buffers, windows ):
ycm.UpdateWithNewDiagnosticsForFile( '/current', diagnostics )
- # We update the diagnostic on the current cursor position
- post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( "error text in current buffer", truncate = True, warning = False ),
- ] )
+ # We update the diagnostic on the current cursor position
+ post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+ call( "error text in current buffer", truncate = True, warning = False ),
+ ] )
- # Ensure we included all the diags though
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 0, [
- {
- 'lnum': 1,
- 'col': 1,
- 'bufnr': 1,
- 'valid': 1,
- 'type': 'E',
- 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
- },
- {
- 'lnum': 4,
- 'col': 2,
- 'bufnr': 3,
- 'valid': 1,
- 'type': 'E',
- 'text': 'error text in hidden buffer',
- },
- {
- 'lnum': 8,
- 'col': 4,
- 'bufnr': -1, # sic: Our mocked bufnr function actually returns -1,
- # even though YCM is passing "create if needed".
- # FIXME? we shouldn't do that, and we should pass
- # filename instead
- 'valid': 1,
- 'type': 'E',
- 'text': 'error text in buffer not open in Vim'
- }
- ] )
+ # Ensure we included all the diags though
+ set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+ call( 1, [
+ {
+ 'lnum': 1,
+ 'col': 1,
+ 'bufnr': 1,
+ 'valid': 1,
+ 'type': 'E',
+ 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
+ },
+ {
+ 'lnum': 4,
+ 'col': 2,
+ 'bufnr': 3,
+ 'valid': 1,
+ 'type': 'E',
+ 'text': 'error text in hidden buffer',
+ },
+ {
+ 'lnum': 8,
+ 'col': 4,
+ 'bufnr': -1, # sic: Our mocked bufnr function actually returns -1,
+ # even though YCM is passing "create if needed".
+ # FIXME? we shouldn't do that, and we should pass
+ # filename instead
+ 'valid': 1,
+ 'type': 'E',
+ 'text': 'error text in buffer not open in Vim'
+ }
] )
+ ] )
+ assert_that(
+ has_entries( {
+ 1: contains(
+ VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%1l\%1c\_.\{-}\%1l\%1c' )
+ )
+ } )
+ )
@YouCompleteMeInstance( { 'g:ycm_echo_current_diagnostic': 1,
- 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1 } )
+ 'g:ycm_always_populate_location_list': 1,
+ 'g:ycm_enable_diagnostic_highlighting': 1 } )
@patch.object( ycm_buffer_module,
[ 'ycmtest' ] )
@@ -835,87 +887,175 @@ def YouCompleteMe_AsyncDiagnosticUpdate_PerFile_test( ycm,
# Ordered to ensure that the calls to update are deterministic
diagnostics_per_file = [
( '/current', [ {
- 'kind': 'ERROR',
- 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
- 'location': {
- 'filepath': '/current',
- 'line_num': 1,
- 'column_num': 1
- }, }, ] ),
- ( '/has_diags', [ {
- 'kind': 'ERROR',
- 'text': 'error text in hidden buffer',
- 'location': {
- 'filepath': '/has_diags',
- 'line_num': 4,
- 'column_num': 2
- }, }, ] ),
+ 'kind': 'ERROR',
+ 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
+ 'location': {
+ 'filepath': '/current',
+ 'line_num': 1,
+ 'column_num': 1
+ },
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/current',
+ 'line_num': 1,
+ 'column_num': 1,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/current',
+ 'line_num': 1,
+ 'column_num': 1,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': [],
+ } ] ),
+ ( '/separate_window', [ {
+ 'kind': 'ERROR',
+ 'text': 'error text in a buffer open in a separate window',
+ 'location': {
+ 'filepath': '/separate_window',
+ 'line_num': 3,
+ 'column_num': 3
+ },
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/separate_window',
+ 'line_num': 3,
+ 'column_num': 3,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/separate_window',
+ 'line_num': 3,
+ 'column_num': 3,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
+ } ] ),
+ ( '/hidden', [ {
+ 'kind': 'ERROR',
+ 'text': 'error text in hidden buffer',
+ 'location': {
+ 'filepath': '/hidden',
+ 'line_num': 4,
+ 'column_num': 2
+ },
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/hidden',
+ 'line_num': 4,
+ 'column_num': 2,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/hidden',
+ 'line_num': 4,
+ 'column_num': 2,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
+ } ] ),
( '/not_open', [ {
- 'kind': 'ERROR',
- 'text': 'error text in buffer not open in Vim',
- 'location': {
- 'filepath': '/not_open',
- 'line_num': 8,
- 'column_num': 4
- }, }, ] )
+ 'kind': 'ERROR',
+ 'text': 'error text in buffer not open in Vim',
+ 'location': {
+ 'filepath': '/not_open',
+ 'line_num': 8,
+ 'column_num': 4
+ },
+ 'location_extent': {
+ 'start': {
+ 'filepath': '/not_open',
+ 'line_num': 8,
+ 'column_num': 4,
+ },
+ 'end': {
+ 'filepath': '/not_open',
+ 'line_num': 8,
+ 'column_num': 4,
+ }
+ },
+ 'ranges': []
+ } ] )
current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 1,
- window = 10 )
+ contents = [ 'current' ] * 10,
+ number = 1 )
+ no_diags_buffer = VimBuffer( '/no_diags',
+ filetype = 'ycmtest',
+ contents = [ 'no_diags' ] * 10,
+ number = 2 )
+ separate_window = VimBuffer( '/separate_window',
+ filetype = 'ycmtest',
+ contents = [ 'separate_window' ] * 10,
+ number = 3 )
+ hidden_buffer = VimBuffer( '/hidden',
+ filetype = 'ycmtest',
+ contents = [ 'hidden' ] * 10,
+ number = 4 )
buffers = [
- VimBuffer( '/no_diags',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 2,
- window = 9 ),
- VimBuffer( '/has_diags',
- filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 3,
- window = 8 ),
+ no_diags_buffer,
+ separate_window,
+ hidden_buffer
+ ]
+ windows = [
+ current_buffer,
+ no_diags_buffer,
+ separate_window
# Register each buffer internally with YCM
for current in buffers:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( buffers, [ current ] ):
with patch( 'ycm.vimsupport.SetLocationListForWindow',
new_callable = ExtendedMock ) as set_location_list_for_window:
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( buffers, windows ):
for filename, diagnostics in diagnostics_per_file:
ycm.UpdateWithNewDiagnosticsForFile( filename, diagnostics )
- # We update the diagnostic on the current cursor position
- post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( "error text in current buffer", truncate = True, warning = False ),
- ] )
+ # We update the diagnostic on the current cursor position
+ post_vim_message.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+ call( "error text in current buffer", truncate = True, warning = False ),
+ ] )
- # Ensure we included all the diags though
- set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 0, [
- {
- 'lnum': 1,
- 'col': 1,
- 'bufnr': 1,
- 'valid': 1,
- 'type': 'E',
- 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
- },
- ] ),
- call( 8, [
- {
- 'lnum': 4,
- 'col': 2,
- 'bufnr': 3,
- 'valid': 1,
- 'type': 'E',
- 'text': 'error text in hidden buffer',
- },
- ] )
+ # Ensure we included all the diags though
+ set_location_list_for_window.assert_has_exact_calls( [
+ call( 1, [
+ {
+ 'lnum': 1,
+ 'col': 1,
+ 'bufnr': 1,
+ 'valid': 1,
+ 'type': 'E',
+ 'text': 'error text in current buffer',
+ },
+ ] ),
+ call( 3, [
+ {
+ 'lnum': 3,
+ 'col': 3,
+ 'bufnr': 3,
+ 'valid': 1,
+ 'type': 'E',
+ 'text': 'error text in a buffer open in a separate window',
+ },
] )
+ ] )
+ assert_that(
+ has_entries( {
+ 1: contains(
+ VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%1l\%1c\_.\{-}\%1l\%1c' )
+ ),
+ 3: contains(
+ VimMatch( 'YcmErrorSection', '\%3l\%3c\_.\{-}\%3l\%3c' )
+ )
+ } )
+ )
@@ -945,12 +1085,10 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_DontRetry_test( ycm,
current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 1,
- window = 10 )
- buffers = [ current_buffer ]
+ number = 1 )
# Create the request and make the first poll; we expect no response
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 1, 1 ) ):
assert_that( ycm.OnPeriodicTick(), equal_to( True ) )
@@ -996,12 +1134,10 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_Exception_test( ycm,
current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 1,
- window = 10 )
- buffers = [ current_buffer ]
+ number = 1 )
# Create the request and make the first poll; we expect no response
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 1, 1 ) ):
assert_that( ycm.OnPeriodicTick(), equal_to( True ) )
@@ -1036,12 +1172,10 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_ValidResponse_test( ycm,
current_buffer = VimBuffer( '/current',
filetype = 'ycmtest',
- number = 1,
- window = 10 )
- buffers = [ current_buffer ]
+ number = 1 )
# Create the request and make the first poll; we expect no response
- with MockVimBuffers( buffers, current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 1, 1 ) ):
assert_that( ycm.OnPeriodicTick(), equal_to( True ) )
@@ -1065,7 +1199,7 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnPeriodicTick_ValidResponse_test( ycm,
def YouCompleteMe_OnCompleteDone_CompletionRequest_test( ycm,
on_complete_done ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer, ( 1, 1 ) ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ], ( 1, 1 ) ):
@@ -1082,5 +1216,5 @@ def YouCompleteMe_OnCompleteDone_NoCompletionRequest_test( ycm,
def YouCompleteMe_ShouldResendFileParseRequest_NoParseRequest_test( ycm ):
current_buffer = VimBuffer( 'current_buffer' )
- with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], current_buffer ):
+ with MockVimBuffers( [ current_buffer ], [ current_buffer ] ):
assert_that( ycm.ShouldResendFileParseRequest(), equal_to( False ) )