@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-**System and Shadowsocksx-NG version:**
-- macOS 10.??.?? (16E????)
-- Shadowsocksx-NG 1.?
-**Expected behavior:**
-**Actual behavior:**
-(N/A for feature requests)
-**Steps to reproduce:**
-(N/A for feature requests)
-**How often does this happen?**
-(N/A for feature requests)
-Please upload the ss-local.log file here the file is in `~/Library/Logs`
-1) Open 'Advanced Settings -> enable Verbose Mode'
-2) Continue run `Shadowsocksx-NG` for 5 minutes
-3) Upload the `~/Library/Logs/ss-local.log` here (with or without compress)
-**Application log**
-Open the `Console.app` and search `Shadowsocksx-NG`
-Copy paste the log here
-**Crash Log**
-If the app crashes and pop up a crash log, please copy and paste here