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- from evaluator import *
- DESCRIPTION = "Test if the model knows how to use the strided trick with numpy."
- TAGS = ['code', 'python', 'performance']
- question = """
- Write a function strides() that given an array of tokens T as numpy array, using strided trick, returns [T[0:50], T[10:60], T[20: 70] ... ]
- """
- test_case, answer = make_python_test([("strides(np.arange(100)).shape", "(6, 50)"),
- ("strides(np.arange(100)).sum()", "14850")])
- TestProgramStrided = question >> LLMRun() >> ExtractCode() >> ((PythonRun(test_case) >> (SubstringEvaluator(answer))) & SubstringEvaluator("as_strided"))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print(run_test(TestProgramStrided))