123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384 |
- from evaluator import *
- DESCRIPTION = "Test if the model can extract paper tiles from a block of text."
- TAGS = ['code', 'python']
- question = '''Extract a list the titles of the papers from the following list of references.
- Start your response
- ```json
- [title_1, title_2, ...]
- ```
- Here's the block of text:
- A Suffix Arrays [45] SHOKRI, R., STRONATI, M., SONG, C., AND
- A suffix of length k of a string x are the last k characters (or, SHMATIKOV, V. Membership inference attacks against
- tokens) of this string, i.e,. x[−k:] machine learning models. In IEEE Symposium on
- . If we want to know: “was Security and Privacy (2017).
- 0 100 200 300 [46] SOLDAINI, L. AI2 Dolma: 3 trillion token open corpus
- length of k-gram for language model pretraining, 2023.
- 104 [47] SOMEPALLI, G., SINGLA, V., GOLDBLUM, M., GEIPING, J., AND GOLDSTEIN, T. Diffusion art or digital
- 105 forgery? Investigating data replication in diffusion models. In CVPR (2023).
- 106 [48] SOUTHWOOD, T. R. E., AND HENDERSON, P. A. Ecological methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
- # generated kgrams [49] TOUVRON, H., LAVRIL, T., IZACARD, G., MARTINET, X., LACHAUX, M.-A., LACROIX, T., ROZIÈRE, B., GOYAL,
- in training data N., HAMBRO, E., AZHAR, F., RODRIGUEZ, A., JOULIN, A., GRAVE, E., AND LAMPLE,
- Figure 14: The suffix length threshold k significantly impacts G. LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language
- the rate of data determined to be memorized. We set k = 50. Models, 2023.
- x [50] TOUVRON, H., MARTIN, L., STONE, K., ALBERT, P.,
- [−k:] 2: Open foundation and fine-tuned chat models. arXiv
- in x”, then we would have to do an O(n) search checking preprint arXiv:2307.09288 (2023).
- all suffixes of x. This linear scan is expensive if x is large, [51] TTI. Introducing Falcon 180b.
- as it is in training large language models, often terabytes in [52] YEOM, S., GIACOMELLI, I., FREDRIKSON, M., AND
- size. Instead, a suffix array will enable us to do this search JHA, S. Privacy risk in machine learning: Analyzing
- efficiently in O(logn) time. the connection to overfitting. In IEEE CSF (2018).
- A suffix array s over a dataset X, denoted as s(X) is a [53] ZELTERMAN, D. Smooth nonparametric estimation of
- data structure that indexes all suffixes of this string in a the quantile function. Journal of statistical planning
- lexicographically-sorted ordering. This sorting, as we will and inference 26, 3 (1990), 339–352.
- see, is important as it enables efficient binary searches for a [54] ZHANG, S., ROLLER, S., GOYAL, N., ARTETXE, M.,
- particular substring/suffix. CHEN, M., CHEN, S., DEWAN, C., DIAB, M., LI, X.,
- In the simplest form, we can consider the suffix array of a LIN, X. V., MIHAYLOV, T., OTT, M., SHLEIFER, S.,
- word, e.g., x =“banana”. The following is the set of all suffixes SHUSTER, K., SIMIG, D., KOURA, P. S., SRIDHAR,
- as obtained by traversing the string backwards and keeping only A., WANG, T., AND ZETTLEMOYER, L. Opt: Open
- unique suffixes, in this case, all suffixes: {“a”, “na”, pre-trained transformer language models, 2022.
- “ana”, “nana”, “ anana”, “banana”}, which are represented by [55] ZIEGLER, A. Github Copilot research recitation, 2021.
- the indices s = {5,4,3,2,1,0}. In this form, we still require [56] ZOU, A., WANG, Z., KOLTER, J. Z., AND FREDRIKSON, M. Universal and transferable adversarial
- an O(n) search as there is no ordering. However, a suffix array attacks on aligned language models. arXiv preprint
- will store these suffixes in a lexicographically sorted ordering. arXiv:2307.15043 (2023).
- '''
- answer = set([
- "membership inference attacks against machine learning models",
- "ai2 dolma: 3 trillion token open corpus for language model pretraining",
- "diffusion art or digital forgery? investigating data replication in diffusion models",
- "ecological methods",
- "llama: open and efficient foundation language models",
- "llama 2: open foundation and fine-tuned chat models",
- "introducing falcon 180b",
- "privacy risk in machine learning: analyzing the connection to overfitting",
- "smooth nonparametric estimation of the quantile function",
- "opt: open pre-trained transformer language models",
- "github copilot research recitation",
- "universal and transferable adversarial attacks on aligned language models",
- ])
- def check_ok(dat):
- import json
- dat = dat.replace("```json", "```")
- dat = dat.split("```")[1]
- dat = dat.lower().replace(".","")
- return set(json.loads(dat)) == answer
- TestExtractRef = question >> LLMRun() >> PyFunc(check_ok)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print(run_test(TestExtractRef))